Cancer is not just one disease, but many different diseases. There are more than 100 different types of cancer that form in different parts of the body. Cancer is one of the most common chronic diseases and a leading cause of death in United States.

Major risk factors for cancer include:

  • tobacco use
  • obesity
  • physical inactivity
  • sun exposure.

Genetic factors also seem to play a role in some types of cancer.

Some types of cancer have environmental risk factors such as exposure to ionizing radiation or chemical exposures that have been found to be associated with a higher risk of cancer. The data and information found here is focused on cancers with an observed relationship with the presence of certain environmental pollutants.

For more information on other types of cancer, and information on cancer risks and prevention, visit the Centers for Disease Control.

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Cancer Data by Site/Type

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Cancer & Environment

Through surveillance and tracking, scientists have observed a relationship between some cancers and certain environmental pollutants. This relationship does not rule out other causes but does suggest that there are factors in the environment that may increase the risk for some cancers.

For example, smoking is a leading cause of lung cancer but radon levels in the home can also increase the risk for lung cancer. The cause of many cancer types is unknown and likely determined by many factors at different points in the lifespan.

Although environmental pollution has been a source of great public concern for decades, more research is needed about environmental exposures at the community level. Evidence is building to support a link between cancer and lower levels of exposures to environmental pollutants.

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About Cancer Data

List items for About Cancer Data

Cancer surveillance is the most well-established and extensive disease surveillance network in the United States. Centralized cancer registries in the United States conduct population-based surveillance of cancer incidence and mortality.

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