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Child and Dependent Adult Abuse

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Member Fraud

Report suspected Medicaid member fraud, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Family Investment Program (FIP) fraud by contacting:

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Provider Fraud

Medicaid fraud occurs when a Medicaid provider knowingly makes, or causes to be made, a false or misleading statement or representation for use in obtaining reimbursement from the medical assistance program. This would include, but is not limited to, billing for services not provided, charging Medicaid more than the reasonable value of the services and providing services that were medically unnecessary.

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Child Care Complaints

 If you have concerns regarding a specific child care provider or child care business that is not meeting Iowa regulations, contact:

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WIC Participant or Vendor

WIC Iowa works to ensure that allegations of fraud and abuse are investigated thoroughly. The WIC Program is intended for families in need of nutritional support. WIC food and formula are to be used for the WIC participant only and cannot be sold or given away. WIC foods not used by the participant should be returned to the local agency. Fraud and abuse take resources away from Iowans who need the help the most. Report WIC Fraud or Abuse


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Woodward Resource Center Non-Abuse or Neglect Complaints

Anonymously report fraud, mismanagement, possible violation of a resident’s rights, or other incidents occurring at the Woodward Resource Center.

This is not an emergency response line. If you or someone you know is in danger, please call 911.

Responses will be reviewed during standard business hours. Investigative interviews may occur outside of business hours as necessary to accommodate interviewee schedules.

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