
Programs & Services

The three types of regulated child care in Iowa are Licensed Centers, Child Development Homes, and Child Care Homes. All licensed providers are able to participate in a quality rating program to increase their program's quality and receive a quality score based on their training level.

Those providing care to children in the family home who receive child care assistance funding are also subject to background checks and must complete the below minimum health and safety training.  Because these providers are serving families in their own home, the parent is responsible for maintaining safe and adequate housing for the children.  The Department may follow up on complaints of health and safety concerns identified in the household.

All Child Care Providers must complete First Aid, CPR, Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Training and other important trainings.

Child Care Dashboard

Iowa Child Care Connect Dashboard


List items for Child Care

Iowa Child Care Connect

Shared Services is a nationally recognized strategy in which small, independent programs share the cost of administrative services, in order to reduce overhead and improve financial performance.

Governor's Child Care Task Force Report (November 2021)

Re-invent vs Re-build: Let's Fix the Child Care System (January 5, 2022), Opportunities Exchange Presentation

Understanding the Business Environment for Iowa Providers (March 4, 2022), Opportunities Exchange Presentation