Center for Acute Disease Epidemiology (CADE) works to protect and preserve the health and safety of Iowans from infectious diseases through disease surveillance; investigation of acute outbreaks; education and consultation to county, local, and private health agencies on infectious diseases; immunization and vaccine guidelines; treatment after animal bites; and vaccines for international travel.
The center also provides consultation to county and local health agencies on diseases requiring public health intervention, collaborates with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by weekly reporting of nationally reportable diseases, and offers health education opportunities through lectures and organizational seminars.
Epi Update
Weekly newsletter from CADE and Iowa HHS. To receive the Epi Update, please call Shawnice Cameron at 1-800-362-2736 or Click to Subscribe to the Epi Update
Current Issue
Epi Update for Friday, March 7, 2025
- Vaccine recommendations and food safety for spring break travel
- National increase in pertussis cases in 2024
- Infographic: Food and beverage safety for the international traveler
Archive Issues
Older editions of the Epi Update can be found at the State Library of Iowa: Iowa Publications Online.
Disease Reporting
Diseases can be reported through the Iowa Disease Surveillance System (IDSS)
Disease Information
CADE routinely monitors more than 45 diseases as well as unusual occurrences of disease (outbreaks). Find information on specific diseases.
Order Printed Materials
Complete the Iowa HHS CADE materials order form. Your order should arrive within two weeks.
Iowa HHS CADE materials order form
Historical Case Count Report
Additional reports are available on Iowa Publications Online.