Deaths caused by CO poisoning include the number of people who died because they were exposed to CO unintentionally. Advanced options include distinctions between unintentional fire, unintentional non-fire, or undetermined poisonings. Due to the small number of cases, data are only available at the state level.

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Measure Description:

  • The Count of Deaths is the number of death certificates with any contributing cause of death code for unintentional CO poisoning.
  • The Crude Rate (Per 100K) is the rate of death certificates with any contributing cause of death code for unintentional CO poisoning per 100,000 Population.
  • The Age Adjusted Rate (Per 100K) is the age adjusted rate of death certificates with any contributing cause of death code for unintentional CO poisoning per 100,000 Population. Age adjustment to the 2000 Standard US Census is done to allow direct comparison of rates in counties and state with different population age distributions.
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