Adolescent immunizations are an important step to prevent illness and stay healthy. As kids get older, protection from some childhood vaccines begins to wear off; boosters are necessary to prolong protection.

Older kids are at risk for diseases that could affect them throughout their lifetime. Health checkups and sports or camp physicals are good opportunities for adolescents to get the recommended vaccines. Vaccines protect not only the health of adolescents but also their friends, families and communities.

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) develops written recommendations for the routine administration of vaccines, along with schedules regarding the appropriate timing, dosage, and contraindications. View the recommended vaccines for 13-15-year-olds.

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Adolescent Immunizations

Adolescent immunization data includes the percent of 13-15 year olds that received the recommended doses of 3 Hepatitis B, 1 Meningococcal, 2 MMR, 1 Td/Tdap, and 2 Varicella vaccines and the 3:1:2:1:2 series. Iowa immunization data and rates are available in interactive maps and tables by single antigen and the completed series. These data provide immunization rates based upon a standard vaccination series identified by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These data can be used to identify trends and patterns in immunization coverage over time and in different geographic areas.

View data visualization 

2024 Adolescent Immunizations Data Summary

The Iowa Immunization Program uses data from the Immunization Registry Information System (IRIS) to calculate county and state immunization rates for adolescents 13-15 years of age. This data includes patients served by both public and private health care providers with a record in IRIS that have a zip code and are an “active” patient within a health care provider organization. The Year selected in the visualization will include adolescents turning 13-15 years old in that year. For example, the 2024 results include children born between 01/01/2009 - 12/31/2011.

Measure Description:

  • Number of Immunized Patients: The number of Iowa residents recorded in IRIS that have received a dose or completed a specific vaccine series.
  • Patients in IRIS: The number of patient records in IRIS.
  • County Adolescent Census Population: The Number of Adolescent in the County, based on Census estimates.

Measure Calculations:

  • Rate of Immunization by IRIS Population (Adolescents): The Number of Immunized Patients divided by the number of same-aged children and geographic area recorded in IRIS.
  • Rate of Immunization by County Population: The Number of Immunized Patients divided by the County Adolescent Census Population.
  • Census Population with IRIS Record: The percent of the Census population with patient record in IRIS, calculated as the number of patient records in IRIS divided by the county Census population. This measure demonstrates the completeness of IRIS data and representation of the county population in IRIS.
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County Immunization Report

The county immunization report provides a snapshot of immunization data and allows users to filter data based on county and year of interest. Users also have the ability to download the report to PDF. Currently, childhood, adolescent, HPV, and adult immunization county reports are available for download.

To access and download a specific county report, select the following link and select the County and Year from the drop-down. Download the PDF using the button on the bottom right of the report.

Adolescent Immunization Report

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