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Diseases do not have age limits. Vaccines are not just for kids, adults need protection too. Regardless of age, adults need immunizations to stay healthy. With time, immunity from childhood vaccines can wear off, leaving adults at risk for diseases. With adulthood comes responsibility, including the need to protect yourself and those around you.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) provides recommendations for the routine administration of vaccines, along with schedules outlining the appropriate timing, dosage, and contraindications.
Find more information about the Iowa Adult Immunization Program.
Adult immunization data includes the percent of Iowa residents that received the recommended doses of Tdap, HPV, Pneumococcal, Hepatitis A, and Zoster vaccine, based on recommended age groups. Iowa immunization data and rates are available in interactive maps and tables by vaccine and completed vaccine series.
These data provide immunization rates based upon a standard vaccination series identified by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These data can be used to identify trends and patterns in immunization coverage over time and in different geographic areas.
1 Tdap - Age 19-64 Years | The tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap) vaccine is recommended to protect adults and those around them against whooping cough. Adults should routinely receive a tetanus and diphtheria (Td) vaccine booster every 10 years. 1 Tdap: One or more doses of tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis vaccine among adults aged 19-64 years. |
HPV Complete Series - Age 19-26 Years | The HPV vaccine protects against the most common types of human papillomavirus, which are responsible for 90 percent of cervical cancers and genital warts. In 2017, the ACIP updated the HPV recommendation from a three dose series to a two or three dose series dependent upon the age at vaccine series initiation. Both men and women should receive a complete HPV vaccine series for full protection. HPV vaccination can begin as early as age 9. HPV Complete: Two or three doses of HPV vaccine depending on age at vaccine series initiation among adults aged 19-26 years. |
Hep A Complete Series - Age 19-49 Years | Hepatitis A is a highly contagious liver disease caused by the hepatitis A virus. All children are eligible to receive HepA vaccine, and adults who were not vaccinated previously and want to be protected against hepatitis A can also get the vaccine. The ACIP recommends two or three dose series, depending on the vaccine trade name. Hep A Complete: Two or three doses of Hepatitis A vaccine (depending on the vaccine trade name) among adults aged 19-49 years. |
Zoster Complete Series - Age 50+ Years | Shingles is a disease that causes a painful rash often with blisters and may lead to long-term nerve pain. Age and problems with the immune system may increase the risk of developing shingles. The ACIP updated the Zoster recommendation at the end of 2017 from one Zostavax vaccine dose for individuals aged 60 years and older to two Shingrix vaccine doses for individuals aged 50 and older regardless of prior Zoster vaccine receipt. Zoster Complete: Two Shingrix vaccine doses among adults aged 50 years and older. |
Hep B Complete Series - Age 19-59 Years | Hepatitis B is a vaccine-preventable liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. All children are eligible to receive the HepB vaccine, and adults who were not vaccinated previously and want to be protected can also get the vaccine. The ACIP recommends two, three, or four dose series, depending on the vaccine trade name. Hep B Complete: Two, three, or four doses of Hepatitis B vaccine (depending on the vaccine trade name) among adults aged 19-59 years. |
Influenza | Annual Influenza data available on a separate page for all ages. Adults are recommended to receive an annual influenza vaccine. |
COVID-19 | COVID-19 vaccine data is available on a separate page for all ages. Adults are recommended to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. |
Adult Immunization Data Visualization
2024 Adult Immunizations Data Summary
The Iowa Immunization Program uses data from the Immunization Registry Information System (IRIS) to calculate county and state immunization rates for adults. This data includes patients served by both public and private healthcare providers with a record in IRIS that have a zip code and are an “active” patient within a healthcare provider organization. The Year selected in the visualization will include adults within that age group in that year.
Measure Description:
- Number of Immunized Patients: The number of Iowa residents recorded in IRIS that have received a dose or completed a specific vaccine series in a certain age range.
- Patients in IRIS: The number of patient records in IRIS.
- County Adult Census Population: The Number of adults in the County, based on Census estimates.
Measure Calculations:
- Rate of Immunization by IRIS Population: The Number of Immunized Patients divided by the number of same-aged adults and geographic area recorded in IRIS.
- Rate of Immunization by County Population: The Number of Immunized Patients divided by the County Adult Census Population.
- Census Population with IRIS Record: The percent of the Census population with a patient record in IRIS, calculated as the number of patient records in IRIS divided by the county Census population. This measure demonstrates the completeness of IRIS data and representation of the county population in IRIS.
Data Note:
- Adult Hepatitis B immunization data from 2018-2021 were updated in February 2023 to include additional Hepatitis B vaccine products reported to IRIS. This update impacts rates at the state and county level to better reflect coverage rates.
County Immunization Report
The county immunization report provides a snapshot of immunization data and allows users to filter data based on county and year of interest. Users also have the ability to download the report to PDF. Currently, childhood, adolescent, HPV, and adult immunization county reports are available for download.
To access and download a specific county report, select the following link and select the County and Year from the drop-down. Download the PDF using the button on the bottom right of the report.
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