The birth cohort children under 6 provides information about blood lead testing and blood lead levels (BLLs) among children born in the same year, known as a birth cohort. This indicator evaluates all BLL test results prior to a childā€™s sixth birthday. These data can be used to identify changes in blood lead levels over time and to monitor progress toward reducing and preventing exposure to lead in children.

Elevated BLLs in young children have been associated with adverse health effects ranging from learning impairment and behavioral problems to death. Since children may have elevated BLLs and not have any specific symptoms, Iowa requires all children to be tested at least once before the age of six.

The measures presented here focus on blood lead testing of children before their sixth birthday. Evaluating blood lead testing results in this way contributes to the overall understanding of the impact and burden of lead poisoning in Iowa. These measures can be helpful for healthcare providers and local public health agencies for program assessment and improvement, and to evaluate compliance with the testing requirement.

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Children Tested Data Visualization

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The children tested measures in the under 6 birth cohort evaluates all blood lead level (BLL) tests of children before their sixth birthday. Children are grouped based on the year they were born (the Birth Cohort Year). Evaluating blood lead levels in children under the age of six is important for program assessment and improvement, and to evaluate compliance with the testing requirement.

Measure Description

  • The Children Tested is the number of children born in the birth cohort year and tested for blood lead level (BLL) before age six.
  • The Children with Confirmed Elevated BLL is the number of children born in the birth cohort year and tested for blood lead level (BLL) before age six and had a confirmed result greater than or equal to 10 mcg/dL.
  • The Percent of Children with Confirmed Elevated BLL is the percent of children tested that had Confirmed Elevated BLL result.
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Testing Coverage Data Visualization

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Iowa requires all children to be tested at least once before the age of six. Measures based on these testing results can be helpful for healthcare providers and local public health agencies for program assessment and improvement, and to evaluate compliance with the testing requirement.

The number of children born from Vital Statistics data does not include children who have moved in or out of the area since birth. Therefore, as a denominator, vital statistics data may under or overestimate the number of 6-year-old children in the area. It is possible that there were more children tested in a County during the time period than were born in that County causing the Percent of Birth Cohort Tested to be greater than 100%.

Measure Description

  • The Children Tested is the number of children born in the Birth Cohort Year with at least one BLL test before their sixth birthday.
  • The Percent of Birth Cohort Tested is the percent Children Tested among the number of children born in the Birth Cohort Year.
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About the Birth Cohort Data for Children Under 6

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