Content Information
Aging Resources of Central Iowa
Phone: 515-255-1310
Strategy Name: Evidence-based health promotion
Goal or Desired Outcome: Improve consumers' strength, balance, mobility and range of motion to enable them to continue to live independently.
Arthritis Foundation Iowa
Strategy Name: Walk with Ease
Goal or Desired Outcome: Help older adults establish healthy patterns of physical activity.
Henry County Public Health
Phone: 319-385-0779
Strategy Name: Outdoor activity stencils
Goal or Desired Outcome: Increase physical activity among children in non-traditional settings by using activity stencils to encourage movement.
Iowa Community HUB
Phone: 515-635-1285
Strategy Name: Walk With Ease
Goal or Desired Outcome: Increase the number of individuals enrolled in the Walk with Ease Program.
Iowa Department of Transportation
Phone: 515-233-7733
Strategy Name: Continued Update of Trails Database
Goal or Desired Outcome: Develop a statewide trails map.