Content Information
Call 888-944-2247 with questions or to submit a complaint.
The SFAA website has many resources available on that site including:
- Links to the law and the administrative rules
- Online complaint forms
- Educational materials and Fact Sheets
- Law compliant signs that can be printed off
2014 E-Cigarette Law FAQ
Since it became law on July 1, 2014 there have been several questions asked about what the "E-Cigarette" law does. The fact sheet below should answer those questions.
Business Contact form
Letters are sent out weekly to businesses who have been reported for potential violations of the Smokefree Air Act (SFAA). Your CHC will send you a list of businesses in your county (if any) who have received a letter.
You are NOT required to take any action but IF YOU COMPLETE A SITE VISIT PLEASE CONTINUE TO SEND REPORTS TO DON. Directions that we include in the emails we send to you:
Attached is a “First Notice of Potential Violation Letter” that was sent to a business within your service area for violation(s) of the Smoke free Air Act. The letter is not a citation or legal document. This simply begins the educational process by assisting the business in complying with the law. You are not required to take any action. This notification is to let you know that a business(es) has received a letter of potential violation.
Also attached is a form for you to complete to document your site visit should the business decide to contact you for assistance or information. Once the site visit is completed please return the completed document to Don Owens, .
To help you prepare for the site visit, I encourage you to contact your CHC prior to making contact with the business.