Content Information
Tobacco Control Partner Organizations & Information
CDC Smoking and Tobacco Use page - Lots of basic tobacco control information and resources
Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids - CTFK is one of the leading advocacy organizations in the nation. They have a lot of state specific information and statistics.
Truth Initiative is also an excellent resource for where tobacco control is heading. Lots of excellent info all over their website.
Americans for Non-smokers Rights - Good info on Second Hand Smoke (SHS) and policy
Why work on Tobacco Control anyway? Isn't that problem already solved? Click for Interesting information from CDC on SHS
Counter Tobacco (a sibling organization to Counter Tools) has a website with lots of news and resources.
Trinkets and Trash Here is a webpage that will help show some of the ways Big Tobacco markets their deadly products. Trinkets and Trash is a surveillance system and archive that monitors, collects, and documents current and historic tobacco products and tobacco industry marketing materials and tactics (such as advertisements, direct mailings, e-mails, sweepstakes, coupon promotions, and brand websites) for research and educational purposes.
Reducing Tobacco Related Health Disparities
The Consortium of National Networks to Impact Populations Experiencing Tobacco-Related and Cancer Health Disparities, supports a consortium of national networks to advance commercial tobacco use prevention and cancer prevention in populations experiencing tobacco-related and cancer health disparities. The consortium is jointly funded by the Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) and Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC). It is intended to enhance the quality and performance of specific public health programs, public health data and information systems, public health practice and services, public health partnerships, and public health resources that focus on tobacco-related and cancer health disparities in specific populations. To find a list of the National Networks and the most current information visit the Networking2Save website.
Developing a Success Story
Writing Success Stories: The CDC guide for writing success stories.
Find additional trainings at Iowa's American Cancer Society's Cancer Action Network.