State Guidance

The purpose of the state funded Community Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (CAPP) program is to reduce the number of births to Adolescents in Iowa. CAPP program services are to be provided to adolescents and their parents for the purpose of preventing adolescent pregnancy; to adolescents who are either pregnant or parenting to prevent subsequent pregnancies, promote self-sufficiency and physical and emotional well-being; and to communities to assist them in addressing issues of adolescent pregnancy. Program components include:

  • Broad-based representation from community or regional representatives including, but not limited to, schools, churches, human services-related organizations, and businesses;
  • Comprehensive programming that focuses on the prevention of initial pregnancies during the adolescent years; and
  • Services to pregnant and parenting adolescents

Statutory Authority: 1987 Iowa Acts, Chapter 234, Section 203(1)(i); 1997 Iowa Acts, Chapter 208, Section 14; Iowa Administrative Code Ch. 441-163

Iowa HHS is the administrator of Iowa's CAPP funding and awards local contracts to community-based organizations to deliver CAPP programming that includes community coalition building, comprehensive programming, and services to expecting and parenting adolescents. 
