Maternal health programs (Title V) in Iowa strengthens our communities to meet the needs of mothers, guardians, children, and their families. Our programs reach thousands of Iowans, including children with special health care needs. Our programs:
- Help all moms, infants, children, and adolescents to be healthy and well
- Provide state guidelines for women's and children's checkups and newborn screenings
- Train agencies and other health care professionals to meet the specific needs of maternal and child health audiences
Maternal Health Innovation Grant
Iowa was awarded $10,361,110 over five years from the Health Resource Services Administration (HRSA) to execute innovative strategies to address maternal health. Iowa HHS has partnered with the University of Iowa to implement the following strategies:
- Develop an Iowa Maternal Quality Care Collaborative (IMQCC). The IMQCC will bring together experts and stakeholders in maternal health across the state to implement policies and protocols to ensure high quality maternal health care. As part of the work of the IMQCC, the state of Iowa will submit an application to join the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM). AIM is a national alliance to ensure safe maternal care and to reduce mortality and morbidity through implementation of evidence-based patient safety bundles. More information can be found at
- Improve state-level maternal health data and surveillance. IDPH/University of Iowa will identify strategies to collect state-level maternal health data, and will work to improve data collection for severe maternal morbidity and mortality data by validating existing data sources and improving data collection processes.
- Implement initiatives to address workforce shortages for obstetrical care, including adding a rural track OB fellowship, a family medicine OB track, and assessing the capacity and need for a Certified Nurse Midwife program in Iowa.
- Expand existing telemedicine initiatives to increase access to Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialists and mental health professionals.
- Address health disparities in maternal health outcomes and access to care.