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Start an ISTEP Chapter
List items for Start and ISTEP Chapter Accordion
ISTEP chapter membership is open to students in grades 7-12. It can be a combination of both middle school and high school students or you can have separate chapters. Having chapters in both high school and middle school is encouraged. If you have both, make sure to set up activities to do together. High school members can take the lead by educating middle school members about the latest tobacco prevention news or the middle school members can help with an upcoming high school chapter street marketing activity. It’s totally up to your chapter, but when we partner with others, we can get some pretty amazing results.
ISTEP chapters are commonly formed in a school setting but chapters can be made up of members from a church, scout troop, or any other community setting where 7-12 grade students meet. It is encouraged to establish your chapter at the beginning of the school year, preferably by November. This gives you three months to start your chapter and six months to change the tobacco prevention world through street marketing events and activities among your local community.
Once your chapter has been established, it will be up to your chapter to decide how you’d like your chapter structured. If chapters decide they’d like to be more structured, it’s common to elect a President, Vice President and Secretary. Establishing chapter requirements and rules, keeping meeting minutes and an attendance log is recommended to have a successful, active chapter.
- Double check to make sure there isn’t already a chapter in your area by viewing the list of chapters at IowaSTEP.org/chapters
- Find an adult to be your chapter advisor
- Ask two friends to begin your chapter with you (Minimum of three youth is required, and remember, you could collaborate with another group in your area)
- Ask your chapter advisor to register your ISTEP Chapter online at IowaSTEP.org
- Have fun! (Publicize your chapter by doing street marketing events, sharing news through social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and inviting press (local newspaper, TV or radio stations) to your events)
An ISTEP chapter advisor can be a teacher, an adult who works with another youth organization in your community (4-H, FFA, church groups, scout troops, etc.), or your local Community Partnership. Even if your Community Partnership contact isn’t your chapter advisor, they can aid in providing ideas, resources and materials. *You can find their contact information at IowaSTEP.org > Resources > Online Resources.
ISTEP takes a hands-on approach to leadership, allowing youth to take the initiative in planning and implementing activities. The role of an advisor includes, but isn’t limited to, assisting with planning and implementing activities, helping guide your chapter through the 5 Step Planning Process (which can be found in the Street Marketing Events section of this guide), ensuring chapter members follow through with their plans, and gathering youth consent forms.
An ISTEP chapter orientation meeting is extremely important to being a successful chapter and starting the year with clear expectations. Before you jump right in, there are few things to think about:
- Establish goals for the year – how many street marketing events do you want to have? Will you participate in the statewide events planned by the Executive Council?
- Determine chapter structure - Will you elect a President, Vice President and Secretary? Will you establish set rules to follow during meetings and attendance requirements? Who will take minutes and attendance?
- Develop a plan of action – When will you hold meetings - every second Thursday of the month after school? When and where will you carry out your planned events for the year - home football game on October 24?
How much time does an ISTEP Chapter require?
ISTEP never has a dull moment and there is always something you can do. There are four major street marketing events planned by the ISTEP Executive Council each year which your chapter has the option to participate in or your chapter may choose to put on events unique to your community. It’s up to your chapter how often you would like to meet, but it’s recommended to meet once a month or every other month to stay up-to-date on upcoming activities, newest tobacco prevention ideas, chapter event planning, etc.
At the beginning of the school year, it’s recommended your chapter members decide how many activities they’d like to implement during the year. Commonly, there are three meetings per one event. For example:
- Planning Meeting – determine details of your event
- Implementation of Event – put on your event
- Follow-up Meeting – discuss how the event went, what you could do differently in the future, then determine the date of your next meeting to plan your next event
Apply for open ISTEP leadership positions
List items for ISTEP Leadership
- Be tobacco/nicotine free
- Be a leader and spokesperson for ISTEP and promote the program
- Plan events and activities for ISTEP chapters statewide and provide the information to your local chapter
- Represent your chapter in the statewide level of leadership by being a voice for your chapter
- Engage in local tobacco prevention activities with your chapter
- Attend virtual Executive Council meetings
- Attend the annual summit
- Must be a current Executive Council member
- Be tobacco/nicotine free
- Serve on the Commission of Tobacco Use Prevention and Control and attend meetings (every other month)
- Be a leader and spokesperson for ISTEP and promote the program
- Make decisions on campaign goals and objectives, and communicate regularly with the ISTEP Youth Coordinator and other student ISTEP members
- Plan and implement aspects of the ISTEP campaign, tobacco prevention events and summit
- Ensure the ISTEP campaign remains youth led and encourage youth involvement
- Attend virtual Executive Council meetings
- Attend the annual summit
- Must be a current Executive Council member
- Be tobacco/nicotine free
- Serve on the Commission on Tobacco Use Prevention and Control and attend meetings (every other month in Des Moines)
- Act as a leader and spokesperson for ISTEP and promote the program
- Aid the ISTEP President in decision making for ISTEP campaign goals, tobacco prevention events and summit
- Ensure the ISTEP campaign remains youth led and encourage youth involvement
- Attend virtual Executive Council meetings
- Attend the annual summit
2023-2024 ISTEP Executive Council
List items for ISTEP Executive Council
School year: 2023 - 2024
Hello! I’m Abi! I’m a voting youth member on the TUPC Commission as well as an ISTEP Executive Council member.
I’m a Senior at Bondurant Farrar in Polk County. I’m involved in ISTEP (duh!), Girl Scouts, archery and I’m a cadet on the fire department. My favorite part about ISTEP is getting to reach out to my peers to make a difference. I enjoy meeting with younger kids to talk to them about why they should be tobacco free.
Fun facts about me…
- I have a great dane.
- I love to paddle-board.
- My favorite place to be is my lake house in Minnesota!
Hi! I’m Addi, an 8th grader at East Marshall in Marshall County. I joined the Council to make an impact in my community and state. I want to spread awareness of ISTEP and increase the amount of chapters we have across Iowa. I’m also involved in choir, band, volleyball, softball, and dance.
Fun facts about me…
- I love softball.
- I want to visit all of the national parks.
- I’m a huge Harry Potter fan.
School year: 2023 - 2024
I’m Ava, a Senior at Bondurant Farrar in Polk County, a member of the ISTEP Executive Council and your newest voting TUPC Commission member.
I first found out about ISTEP by attending the 2019 Summit. I joined the Council shortly after because I want to help prevent my peers from vaping.
Fun facts about me…
- My favorite color is blue.
- I have two goldendoodles named Chip and Roxie!
School year: 2023 - 2024
Hi! I’m Cadence, a Senior at Maquoketa Valley in Delaware County. I joined the Council to grow my knowledge and leadership skills in order to help others become educated and make good decisions for themselves.
I’m active in ISTEP, 4-H, musical, speech, play, Spanish Club, Diversity Group, choir and softball.
Fun facts about me…
- My favorite show is The Office.
- My favorite subject is science.
- And, I’m vice president of our class officers.
School year: 2023 - 2024
Hi! I’m Conner McCoy, a Sophomore at Carlisle in Warren County. I joined the Council to make an impact in my community. I want to educate my peers about tobacco and help them quit if they’re already addicted. Outside of ISTEP, I’m involved in band and 4-H.
Fun facts about me…
I’ve served as our 4-H club’s vice president for the last 2 years.
I love mac and cheese.
I enjoy golfing, and spending time with my family and friends.
School year: 2023 - 2024
Hi, I’m Courtney, your ISTEP President, TUPC Commission member and ISTEP Executive Council member. I also serve as a National Youth Ambassador with the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.
I’m a Senior at Johnston High School in Polk County. Besides ISTEP, I’m involved in cross country, track, show choir and mock trial.
Fun facts about me…
- I love public speaking.
- I know how to surf!
- I hate white chocolate.
- And, my favorite movie is Top Gun.
School year: 2023 - 2024
Hello! I’m Emilie, a Junior at Carlisle High School in Warren County. I joined the Council to help teens across Iowa who are struggling with tobacco and nicotine use. I have seen my peers become overrun by vaping; they have stopped trying in school, quit sports and now pressure other kids to start vaping. I want to be a part of the solution by sharing available resources with my peers to help them quit.
I am currently in our local ISTEP chapter STAND (Students Taking Action Not Drugs), All Star cheer, RALLY (Raising Awareness, Learning & Leading through Youth), environmental club, concert band, jazz band and Skills USA.
Fun facts about me…
- I’m an all star cheerleader.
- My favorite drink is cranberry juice.
- I love to travel!
School year: 2023 - 2024
I’m George, a Senior at Maquoketa Valley High School in Delaware County. I joined the Council because I have seen the effect that harmful substances can have on loved ones. I want to learn new life skills among leadership and group organization, gain experience working with large groups and elevate my local chapter’s activities.
Besides TEL and ISTEP, I’m involved in cross country, track, contest speech, musical, play, volunteer opportunities, president of my class’ student council, Milo-Livestock 4-H club and I also help with announcing events and radio spots for school activities.
Fun facts about me…
- One of my favorite subjects is philosophy.
- I love to run!
- I like growing my hair out and donating it.
School year: 2023 - 2024
Hello, I’m Jeneva, a Senior at Ankeny Centennial High School in Polk County. I joined the ISTEP Executive Council to be a part of the change and bring awareness to my community about the dangers of tobacco, physically and mentally.
Outside of ISTEP, I’m involved in cheer, show choir, cross country, track, golf, archery, Girl Scouts and youth group.
Fun facts about me…
- I come from a military family.
- I live on the oldest family farm in Iowa.
- I have four black cats.
School year: 2023 - 2024
Hi! I’m Lane, an 8th grader at West Marshall in Marshall County. I joined the Council to be an advocate against tobacco and nicotine, and to aid in my future endeavors. I want to educate my peers so they can make healthy decisions against tobacco and vaping. Outside of ISTEP, I’m involved in FFA, 4-H, and student council.
Fun facts about me…
- I have two state awards for fishing.
- I raise and show sheep.
- I’m in wrestling.
School year: 2023 - 2024
Hello! I’m Lorelai, a Junior at BGM High School in Poweshiek County. I joined the Council to become a better leader, especially in roles that would benefit my community. I’m passionate about tobacco prevention because I’ve seen my family members being affected by it.
I’m involved in jazz band, band, choir, show choir, student government, FCA, SADD, speech, youth group, swimming, plays, musicals, TAG and yearbook.
A not-so-fun fact about me is that I’m actually allergic to nicotine!
And a few fun facts…
- I play piano, ukulele and most of the percussion family.
- Most of my free time is spent either painting or writing.
School year: 2023 - 2024
Hi, I’m Mattie, a Junior at Carlisle High School in Warren County. After attending a virtual leadership training in 2022, I decided I wanted to be a part of the ISTEP movement and join the ISTEP Executive Council! I’m involved in our local ISTEP chapter (STAND), soccer, environmental club, skills USA and rally.
Fun facts about me...
- My favorite food is mac and cheese.
- I LOVE going on cruises (I’ve been on an Alaskan Cruise!).
- My favorite drink is iced coffee!
School year: 2023 - 2024
Hi, I'm Morgan, a Senior at Maquoketa Valley in Delaware County. I joined the Council to grow my leadership skills and understanding of tobacco prevention.
I am involved in TEL, Diversity Club, choir, large group speech, and individual speech at school. And last year I finished my final year in Camp Fire. With that being said I like to volunteer and help out a lot in my community.
Fun facts about me...
I love to travel.
My plan is to become a pediatric nurse because I love kids.
And, I love helping others!
School year: 2023 - 2024
Hello! I’m Sellah, a Freshman from Maquoketa Valley in Delaware County. I joined the Council to become a leader in helping my peers better themselves, especially if they’re struggling with tobacco. Plus, I'm your newest voting Tobacco Use Prevention and Control Commission member!
I’m involved in ISTEP, band, choir, musical, softball, basketball, track and football.
Fun facts about me…
- I have 7 siblings!
- My favorite subject is Geography.
School year: 2023 - 2024
Hi, I’m Shadlee. I’m a Junior at BGM High School in Poweshiek County. I joined the Council to educate my peers of the harm nicotine can cause financially, physically and mentally.
I’m involved in choir, school plays and musicals, community plays, football cheer, SADD, leadership, yearbook, student council, National Honor Society, FCA, and youth group.
Fun facts about me…
- I’m in my school's Trap team.
- I love the outdoors!
Hi! I’m Stella, a freshman at Winterset High School in Madison County. I joined the Council to improve my leadership skills. I want to help my peers who are addicted to nicotine, quit vaping. Outside of ISTEP, I’m involved in FFA, Y-Teen, Silver Cord, softball, honor choir, musical theater and choir.
Fun facts about me…
- I love summertime.
- My favorite color is purple.
- My favorite thing to do is spend time with my friends.