Welcome to Project Firstline
A partnership between Iowa HHS and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Project Firstline provides infection control education for all frontline healthcare workers — so they can better protect their patients, their coworkers and themselves from infectious disease threats in healthcare.
Learn more about the CDC’s Project Firstline and find the latest featured resources.
Job Aids & Print Materials
“One and Done” is a best practice in limiting the spread of healthcare-related infections — with routine use, one person uses PPE one time for one patient encounter, then discards or fully cleans the equipment, as directed.
Educate healthcare workers and keep infection control top-of-mind:
- One and Done Brochure – English | Spanish
- One and Done Poster – English | Spanish
- One and Done Video (English)
- One and Done Video (Spanish)
How to Order Printed Materials
Printed materials are available at no charge by completing and submitting the
Iowa HHS CADE materials order form.
In collaboration with Iowa HHS, CDC’s Project Firstline and the National
Training Collaborative for Healthcare Infection Prevention and Control, the
Iowa Institute of Public Health Research and Policy at the University of Iowa is making available a series of educational posters and videos to promote proper
infection control practices.
Use these materials to educate everyone entering a healthcare facility,
regardless of their role, relationship to a patient or if they do or do not provide
direct patient care.
- Hand Hygiene Poster – English | Spanish
- Surface to People Poster – English | Spanish
- Respiratory Droplets Poster – English | Spanish
- Asymptomatic Spread Poster – English | Spanish
- Source Control Poster – English | Spanish
How to Order Printed Materials
Printed materials are available at no charge by completing and submitting the Iowa HHS Center for Acute Disease Epidemiology materials order form.
Project Firstline online and sharable resources help educate and keep infection control a priority for everyone in your healthcare facility.
Training Resources
Lead infection control training for healthcare workers with engaging, easy-to-use educational resources — available in a variety of formats to support all styles of learning.
Perfect for team meetings and huddles, this series of guided discussions and job aids help healthcare workers recognize risks and take action to stop the spread of germs.
- "If You See Blood," Micro-Learn, CDC
- “When You See Diarrhea,” Micro-Learn, CDC
- “Patient with Cough and Congestion,” Micro-Learn, CDC
- “Patient with a Rash,” Micro-Learn, CDC
- “Patient with a Draining Wound,” Micro-Learn, CDC
Find more information about micro learnings on the CDC’s Project Firstline website.
Project Firstline Toolkits: 10-, 20- and 60-Minute Trainings
Train in the way that works best for your team’s learning styles and busy schedules. Toolkits for a variety of infection control topics include easy-to-follow PowerPoint presentations in 10, 20 and 60-minute formats, with facilitator and participant resources to help you along the way.
Toolkit topics include:
- The Concept of Infection Control
- The Basic Science of Viruses
- How Viruses Spread from Surfaces to People
- Multi-Dose Vials
- Virus Strains
- Source Control
- Ventilation
And more
Find more information about training toolkits on the CDC’s Project Firstline website.
Infection Control Toolkits: Live, Web-Based Sessions
Facilitator and participant resources help you lead healthcare workers in learning to recognize infection risks throughout their day by teaching where germs live and how they spread.
Toolkits include three sessions, with a session plan, PowerPoint presentation and participant booklet to go with each.
- Recognizing Risk Using Reservoirs
- Introduction to Reservoirs: Where Germs Live
Find more information about infection control toolkits on the CDC’s Project Firstline website.
The below infection prevention and control-related training webinars can also be found on the Iowa HHS YouTube channel.
Earn continuing education credits (CME, CNE, CPE) on-demand with Project Firstline infection prevention control (IPC) trainings.
IPC Courses Available – COMING SOON
Visit the CDC's Project Firstline website to learn more about:
- The latest educational videos on various infection control topics.
- The “Inside Infection Control” series, covering basic ideas behind infection control, how they work to prevent COVID-19, and how using infection control actions while you’re at work can protect you, your patients, your coworkers and your community.
- How to earn continuing education through the CDC’s Training and Continuing Education Online (TCEO).
Infórmese sobre el control de infecciones en la atención médica aquí.
The University of Iowa Institute for Public Health Practice, Research and Policy developed tabletop series for the Iowa HHS HAI Program focused on preparedness and response to multidrug resistant organisms. Each exercise was hosted in-person and repeated eight times throughout Iowa.
Materials developed by the University of Iowa for the live sessions are available for any healthcare facility to plan and facilitate their own exercise.
Candida auris exercise materials
- C. auris TTX slide deck
- C. auris participant guide
- C. auris facilitator guide
- C. auris evaluation rubric
carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) exercise materials
Iowa HHS Self-Paced Online Infection Prevention and Control Courses
Topics covered include:
- Course 1: General Infection Prevention and Control Concepts and Practices
- Course 2: Infection Prevention and Control for Environmental Services Personnel
- Course 3: Infection Prevention and Control for Emergency Medical Services
- Course 4: Infection Prevention and Control for Pharmacy Personnel
- Course 5: Infection Prevention and Control for Home Healthcare Personnel
- Course 6: Infection Prevention and Control for Therapy Personnel
- Course 7: Infection Prevention and Control for Food Services Personnel
- Course 8: Infection Prevention and Control: Point-of-Care Testing
- Course 9: Infection Prevention and Control for Non-Clinical Personnel
Course 1 is an infection prevention and control overview for all audiences. Courses 2 - 9 are intended to be taken after completion of Course 1 and were developed for specific audiences based on their daily roles.
Entre los temas que se trataron, se incluyen los siguientes:
- Curso 1: Conceptos y prácticas generales sobre la prevención y el control de infecciones
- Curso 2: Prevención y control de infecciones para el personal de servicios ambientales
- Curso 3: Prevención y control de infecciones en servicios médicos de emergencia
- Curso 4: Prevención y control de infecciones para el personal de farmacia
- Curso 5: Prevención y control de infecciones para el personal de atención de la salud a domicilio
- Curso 6: Prevención y control de infecciones para el personal de terapia
- Curso 7: Prevención y control de infecciones para el personal de servicios de alimentación
- Curso 8: Prevención y control de infecciones: pruebas en el punto de atención
- Curso 9: Prevención y control de infecciones para el personal no médico
El curso 1 es una descripción general de prevención y control de infecciones para todas las audiencias. Los cursos 2 a 9 deben completarse después del curso 1 y se han desarrollado para audiencias en específico según sus tareas diarias.
Available credit:
1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
1.00 California State Nursing Contact Hours
Course opens: 01/01/2024
Course expires: 12/31/2026
Please check each program for exact credit awards
Crédito disponible:
1.00 Crédito AMA PRA Categoría 1™
1.00 Hora de contacto de Enfermería del Estado de California
Fecha de inicio del curso: 01/01/2024
Fecha de vencimiento del curso: 12/31/2026
Consulte cada programa para ver con exactitud los créditos que se otorgan.
Frontline healthcare workers with a focus on those who interact in any capacity with persons seeking healthcare, including physicians, nurses, patient care technicians, and non-clinical staff.
Personal de atención de la salud de primera línea, con un enfoque en quienes tienen algún tipo de interacción con personas que buscan atención de salud, como médicos, personal de enfermería, técnicos que atienden pacientes y personal no médico.
Disclosure Policy: In accordance with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education, ECRI is required to disclose relevant financial relationships of the planners, teachers, authors, and reviewers involved in the development and delivery of CME content. Individuals need to disclose those relationships with an ineligible company if both the relationship is financial and occurred within the past 24 months, and the individual has the opportunity to affect the content of CME about the products or services of that ineligible company.
An ineligible company as defined by the ACCME is "any entity whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.”
Policy on Privacy and Confidentiality: ECRI policy requires that the privacy and confidentiality of all information related to CME activities will be strictly maintained. This includes all on-line internet CME courses.
The following served as planners, content developers, and reviewers, and have no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose: Margaret Miller, BS, MT (ASCP)M, CIC, FAPIC, Infection Preventionist, ECRI; James Davis, MSN, RN, CCRN-K, CIC, HEM. FAPIC, Manager, Infection Prevention and Control Services, ECRI; Eileen Cornish, ECRI; Leah Addis, MA, CPASRM, ECRI; Pamela Keating, Esq., Associate Director, Education, ECRI.
Method of Participation: This course consists of online activities including readings with text-associated learning objectives. At the conclusion of each section/topic, learners will be presented with questions to evaluate their understanding of the core concepts presented; questions must be answered correctly in order to move to the next section/topic and complete the course.
A post-activity survey must also be completed for you to qualify for the corresponding credit.
Estimated time to complete activity: 1.00 hours
Política de divulgación: según los Estándares de Integridad e Independencia en la Educación Continua Acreditada del Consejo de Acreditación para la Educación Médica Continua (ACCME), se requiere que ECRI divulgue las relaciones financieras relevantes de los organizadores, maestros, autores y revisores involucrados en el desarrollo y la publicación del contenido de CME. Las personas deben divulgar las relaciones con una compañía inelegible si se cumplen dos requisitos: la relación es financiera y se ha desarrollado dentro de los últimos 24 meses y si la persona tiene la oportunidad de afectar el contenido de CME sobre los productos o los servicios de esa compañía inelegible.
ACCME define "compañía inelegible" como "cualquier entidad cuyo negocio principal sea la producción, el marketing, la venta, la reventa o la distribución de productos sanitarios usados por los pacientes o en ellos".
Política de privacidad y confidencialidad: la política de ECRI requiere de forma estricta que se mantengan la privacidad y la confidencialidad de toda la información relacionada con las actividades de CME. Esto incluye todos los cursos online de CME.
Las siguientes personas, quienes cumplen roles de organizadores, desarrolladores de contenido y revisores, no tienen relaciones financieras relevantes con compañías inelegibles que divulgar: Margaret Miller, BS, MT (ASCP)M, CIC, FAPIC, prevencionista de infecciones, ECRI; James Davis, MSN, RN, CCRN-K, CIC, HEM. FAPIC, administrador de Servicios de Prevención y Control de Infecciones, ECRI; Eileen Cornish, ECRI; Leah Addis, MA, CPASRM, ECRI; Pamela Keating, Esq., directora adjunta de Educación, ECRI.
Método de participación: este curso consiste en actividades en línea, incluidas lecturas relacionadas con objetivos de aprendizaje. En la conclusión de cada sección/tema, los aprendices recibirán preguntas para evaluar su comprensión de los conceptos clave presentados. Deben responder correctamente las preguntas para poder avanzar a la sección o al tema que sigue y completar el curso.
También tendrán que completar una encuesta posterior a las actividades para cumplir los requisitos para recibir los créditos.
Tiempo estimado para completar la actividad: 1.00 hora
1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
CME Accreditation Statement: ECRI is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
AMA Credit Designation Statement: ECRI designates this Enduring Material for a maximum of 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in this activity.
Please note exceptions to this can be found in the Infection Prevention and Control for Food Services Personnel
1.00 California State Nursing Contact Hours
California State Nursing Contact hours: This activity has been approved for up to 1.00 California State Nursing Contact Hours by the Provider, Debora Simmons, who is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 13677. The certificate must be retained by the licensee for a period of four years after completion of the course.
1.00 Crédito AMA PRA Categoría 1™
Declaración sobre la acreditación de CME: ECRI cuenta con la acreditación del Consejo de Acreditación para la Educación Médica Continua (ACCME) para proporcionar educación de salud continua para profesionales médicos.
Declaración sobre la designación de créditos de AMA: ECRI designa este material perdurable por un máximo de 1.00 Crédito AMA PRA Categoría 1™. Los profesionales deben reclamar exclusivamente créditos proporcionales a su participación en esta actividad.
Tenga en cuenta que puede encontrar excepciones a esto en la sección Prevención y control de infecciones para el personal de servicios de alimentación.
1.00 Hora de contacto de Enfermería del Estado de California
Horas de contacto de Enfermería del Estado de California: esta actividad ha sido aprobada para otorgar hasta 1.00 Hora de contacto de Enfermería del Estado de California por la proveedora, Debora Simmons, quien ha recibido la aprobación de la Junta de Enfermería Registrada de California, número de proveedor CEP 13677. El titular de la licencia debe conservar el certificado durante un período de cuatro años después de haber completado el curso.
New Learners:
You will need to register for an account with Workday Learning.
- Visit the Infection Prevention and Control self-registration URL.
- Follow the registration directions in the How to Create a Workday Learning Account guide to set up your account.
Returning users:
- Log into Workday with your established username (email) and password.
- Review the How to Sign into Workday Learning guide for additional support logging in.
For help on how to log into Workday, enroll in and complete Infection Prevention and Control content, and print your certificates refer to the Infection Prevention and Control Workday Learning User Guide.
Consultative Services from Iowa HHS
Iowa HHS healthcare-associated infection (HAI) experts provide the latest education, evaluation and planning resources to help hospitals and other healthcare facilities improve infection control programs. View the full list of services.
Services are consultative — not regulatory or punitive — and always free of charge. To ask questions or schedule a service, email hai-ar@hhs.iowa.gov.
Office Hours
Each month, two 30-minute virtual open office hours are offered — one for providers working in long-term care (nursing home) settings and one for providers working in acute care (hospital) settings. These informal sessions allow time to ask questions, request information and receive guidance.
Guest Lectures
Presentations are available on a variety of learning topics, from Iowa HHS HAI experts to help students and future healthcare professionals learn about HAI risks and how to prevent them. Learn more.
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