This page contains links to four indicator reports for each Iowa county: (1) County Health Rankings and Roadmaps Snapshots, (2) SALUD America Health Equity Report, CARES HQ (3) Full Indicator Reports and (4) Quick Facts. Following these reports are links to other data sources that may be useful for obtaining data not contained in the preformatted reports.
Indicator Reports by County
For a single year, these reports include a set of 77 indicators for Demographics (12), Health Outcomes (13), Health Behaviors (14), Clinical Care (10), Social & Economic Factors (20), and Physical Environment (8). Includes rankings within Iowa for each category. Compares the county's data with the state average and top U.S. performers. Highlights values in purple that are strengths and orange for areas to explore.
Health Equity report focusing on Latinos in each Iowa county. The report includes data on local housing, transit, healthcare, as well as links to resources to more information and strategies to improve health outcomes.
In depth, 190+ page reports that expand the look at the 143 indicators in the Quick Facts reports to include breakdowns by gender, race, ethnicity, census tract and other factors when available for the data source. Includes charts, maps, trends over time, and narrative interpretations for many indicators. Compares county data with the state and U.S. Highlights values green that are better than the state average and red for those values that are worse.
For a single year, these reports include a set of 143 indicators for Demographics (24 indicators), Social & Economic Factors (32), Physical Environment (22), Clinical Care (18), Health Behaviors (11) and Health Outcomes (36). Compares the county's data with the state average. Highlights values green that are better than the state average and red for those values that are worse.
Other County Data Sources
BRFSS Data by County
Data by county from the Iowa Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS).
Resource that combines publicly available data to assist with community health needs assessments.
CDC State Cancer Profiles
Dynamic views of cancer statistics for the nation, states, and counties.
County Health Rankings
Annual snapshots of how where we live, learn, work, and play influences health.
Health Professional Shortage Areas (HRSA)
HRSA designated state and county shortage areas of primary medical care, dental, or mental health providers.
Healthiest Communities
Public health data analysis tool from Aetna Foundation and U.S. News & World Report ranking the healthiest communities.
Iowa Cancer Registry
Specific cancer rates by county.
Iowa Community Indicators Program
Indicators of poverty, participation in food and nutrition assistance programs, and other food-related health measures.
Iowa Health Fact Book
demographics, vital statistics, data on disease incidence and mortality, health and social determinants of health, etc.
Iowa Kids Count
Trends in the well-being of Iowa children.
Iowa Public Health Tracking Portal
Iowa HHS centralized source for public health data.
Iowa State Data Center
Data for Iowa counties organized by a wide array of topic areas and maps.
Iowa Youth Survey (IYS)
The IYS is an important source of data on adolescent health behaviors and experiences.
Sexual Health
County adolescent sexual health fact sheets from Eyes Open Iowa.
Trust For Public Land's ParkServe
Information about park systems and percentage of city, town and community residents within a 10-minute walk of a park.
U.S. Census Bureau State & County QuickFacts
Facts about all states and counties, and for cities and towns with more than 5,000 people.