This is for providers of Mental and Behavioral Health. Find the applicable State of Iowa Rules, information on becoming an accredited provider, the Community Mental Health Services Block Grant, PASRR, the State of Iowa BHDS regional system, facilities operated by Iowa HHS, tools, training and resources for providers of BHDS and the applicable rights and responsibilities.
Mental & Behavioral Health Provider Resources
Division of Mental Health and Disability Services Accreditation Responsibilities
- Providing training and technical assistance to community-based providers to support them in preparing for service accreditation review.
- Developing and implementing accreditation and qualification standards for community-based service providers in conjunction with the MHDS Commission.
- Conducting provider reviews are required as part of the facility/provider accreditation process as defined in Iowa Administrative Code Part 441, Chapter 24.
Contact the Bureau of Community Services and Planning if you want accreditation as a service provider under IAC 441-24. They will assist you with the process.
Ginger Kozak, Accreditation Specialist
515-669-2140 or
Michele Tilotta, MPA, BSN, RN
515-314-2540 or
- Behavioral Health and Disability Services: Mental Health chapter of the Iowa Administrative Code.
- Juvenile Facilities: Sections 101, 103 and 105 of the Regulatory Standards chapter of the Iowa Administrative Code.
- Targeted Case Management: Section 90 of the Medical Assistance chapter of the Iowa Administrative Code.
Legacy Department of Human Services
Administrative rules are adopted to implement laws that protect the public health, safety, welfare and environment, and to ensure the efficient administration of state government. Legacy Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS) administrative rules are located in the Iowa Administrative Code under the department’s Agency Identification Number, which is 441. To access the Iowa Administrative Code visit
The Rule-making Docket for Legacy Department of Human Services (DHS) can be found at the Legislature’s “Rules Tracker” website. The site tracks legacy DHS’ rule-making process in real-time from the Notice of Intended Action to Adoption. You can access public comment deadlines, public hearing dates, Administrative Rule Review Committee (ARRC) meeting dates and actions taken, published rule-making documents(ARC’s), and effective dates.
The link takes you to the administrative rules for legacy DHS (441). Once at that site you can utilize the dropdown listing and find rules in process for other state agencies.
Legacy Department of Public Health
Administrative rules are adopted to implement laws that protect the public health, safety, welfare and environment, and to ensure the efficient administration of state government. Legacy Iowa Department of Public Health's administrative rules are located in the Iowa Administrative Code under the department's Agency Identification Number 641. To access the Iowa Administrative Code, visit
The Regulatory Plan, Fiscal Year 2022 lists each potential rule currently under consideration or development within the department. The IDPH plan includes all potential rules under Iowa Administrative Code [641]: Public Health Department, [645]: Professional Licensure Division, [650] Dental Board, [653] Medicine Board, [655] Nursing Board and [657] Pharmacy Board.
The Rule-making Docket for Public Health can be found at the Legislature's “Rules Tracker” website. The site tracks the department's real-time rule-making process from Notice of Intended Action to adoption. You can access public comment deadlines, public hearing dates, Administrative Rules Review Committee (ARRC) meeting dates and actions taken, published rule-making documents (ARCs), and effective dates.
The link first presents the administrative rules for [641] Public Health Department. Once at the site, you can utilize the dropdown listing for “Agency” to access the “Rules Tracker” for [645] Professional Licensure Division, [650] Dental Board, [653] Medical Board, [655] Nursing Board and [657] Pharmacy Board.
The Waiver Petition Form may be completed by any person wishing to request a waiver, in whole or in part, of a department rule. Instructions for completing the form are included with the form. This form may be submitted via facsimile, or through the U.S. Mail.
A Waiver Reporting System has been developed that provides access to a listing of all waiver requests for all state agencies.
Contact the Rules Administrator for any of the following:
- To inspect written comments submitted to the department about any rules, including any requests for regulatory analysis and the analysis issued.
- The names of persons who have made written requests for an opportunity to make oral presentations, where those requests may be inspected, and where and when oral presentations may be made.
- Any other administrative rules questions.
The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services administers CareMatch, the hospital bed tracking system for inpatient psychiatric services. CareMatch allows hospitals with inpatient psychiatric programs to indicate whether they have an open bed in their program. That information is made available to others that are searching for available inpatient psychiatric hospital services in the state. The CareMatch goal is to improve the efficiency of finding inpatient psychiatric bed placement for individuals in a serious acute mental health crisis.
Hospital, court and other community staff that search for inpatient psychiatric services as part of their job duties are eligible to be users in the CareMatch system.
For a CareMatch user ID, password issues or more information, contact:
Kaelee Otto
Division of Behavioral Health
Lucas Building Floor 2
321 E 12th St
Des Moines, IA 50319-9010
- Map of Approved MHDS Regions (Updated June 2023)
- Regional CEO Contacts (Updated June 2023)
- Regional Coordinators of Adult Disability Services (Updated June 2023)
- Regional Coordinators of Children's Behavioral Health Services (Updated June 2023)
- Community Systems Consultants Map (CSC Staff)
- North
- Rob Aiken, Community Systems Consultant
Cell Phone: 515-669-8002 | Fax: 515-564-4166 | Email:
- Rob Aiken, Community Systems Consultant
- South
- Don Gookin, Community Systems Consultant
Cell Phone: 515-669-8001 | Fax: 515-564-4166 | Email:
- Don Gookin, Community Systems Consultant
- North
- Regional Services Waiting List
County Policies, Plans & Service Data
Each county is required to maintain a set of policies and procedures along with a strategic mental health plan. An annual report is also assembled for each county to relay how the county performed for the year against the plan. The complete administrative rules governing county management plans can be found in the Iowa Administrative Code at 441 I.A.C cph 25.
- County Policies and Procedures
- County Strategic Plans
- County Annual Reports
- Report Types:
- Expenditures: This report lists expenditures by type of service and disability group. Each county is in a separate report.
- Persons Served: This report lists the number of people served by type of service and disability group. Adults and children are broken out on the report. Each county is in a separate report.
- Persons Served (Unduplicated): This report lists the number of persons served in each disability group with adults and children broken out. All counties are listed in one report.
- Growth/Loss: This report lists caseload growth/loss for a given year by disability group. All counties are in one report.
Jan Heikes, Community Systems Consultant
Cell Phone: 515-669-8002
Fax: 515-242-6036
Julie Jetter, Community Systems Consultant
Cell Phone: 515-669-8001
Fax: 515-242-6036