The Bureau of Family Health is committed to focusing their efforts on adolescent health by raising awareness with our internal and external partners. Through infrastructure building we will have the ability to address adolescent health issues both at the local and state levels.

Health Data

The National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) touches on multiple, intersecting aspects of children’s lives. The survey includes physical and mental health status, access to quality health care, as well as information on the child’s family, neighborhood and social context.

Developmental Tasks

  • Adopt a personal value system
  • Adjust to new physical sense of self (including body image)
  • Adjust to a sexually maturing body and feelings
  • Define a personal sense of identity 
  • Develop stable and productive peer relationships
  • Develop and apply abstract thinking skills
  • Meet demands of increasingly mature roles and responsibilities
  • Renegotiate relationship with parents/caregivers