The Independence Mental Health Institute (IMHI) provides active inpatient psychiatric treatment for adults, adolescents, and children who are in need of acute psychiatric service. This includes specialized treatment of behaviorally complex youth.

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Structure of the Organization

The facility is operated by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), under the directorship of Kelly Garcia and under the leadership of Cory Turner, Director, State-Operated Specialty Care Division. The facility's superintendent is Cade Iversen.

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What Services are Provided?

Inpatient psychiatric services for adults and for children and adolescents are provided by a multi-disciplinary treatment team composed of doctors, nurses, social workers, activities therapists, psychologists and resident treatment workers.

Each person has an individualized treatment plan that focuses on one’s assets. Individuals are encouraged to take part, together with staff members, in formulating one’s treatment plan. Services may include the use of medication, psychotherapy, group counseling, and activities therapies.

Children and adolescent patients continue to attend school. The school, which is operated by IMHI and is approved by the Department of Education, is on-site and provides general education, as well as a special education program.

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Who is Eligible to Receive Services?

Admissions are accepted from any county in Iowa. IMHI serves children, adolescents, and adults who require hospitalization for acute symptoms of mental illness. The goal is to treat individuals in the least restrictive setting possible and return them to their communities as soon as possible.

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How to Apply for Services or Refer Someone to This Facility

Services are provided regardless of ability to pay.  Most individuals are not able to pay for the cost of care and treatment out-of-pocket and will need assistance.  To make a voluntary application for admission that will not be paid in full by the individual, contact the Regional Coordinator of Disability Services for more information.  

If able to pay for the cost of care and treatment without assistance, individuals may make a voluntary application for admission directly to IMHI.

Involuntary commitments, except for emergency hospitalizations, are made only if IMHI is a designated service provider by the person’s MHDS region.

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Medical Records and Student Educational Records

Individuals seeking past patient information, including genealogical requests or patient medical records, may contact the facility’s Medical Records Department:

School officials seeking past patient data regarding a student's educational information may contact the facility's school program:

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Where Can I Find More Information?

IMHI is accredited by The Joint Commission (TJC) and certified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

Employment information can be found here.

Additional information about patient admissions may be obtained by contacting the facility's admissions office:

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