The primary purpose of the State Training School at Eldora is to provide a continuum of supervision and rehabilitation programs, which meet the needs of males adjudicated delinquent, in a manner consistent with public safety. These services and programs individualize treatment and control the offender for his own benefit and the protection of society. The facility provides a range of services that are geared toward:
Providing a structured treatment setting for males between the ages of 12 to 18;
Providing the most appropriate setting while protecting communities;
Developing individual care plans which provide a diversity of innovative and effective programs within the framework of professional correctional standards, legislative intent and available resources;
Providing a comprehensive education program for youth; and
Facilitating the transition of the young man back to his community.
The State Training School establishes policies and procedures in accordance with standards set forth by Performance-based Standards (PbS) and the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA).
PREA allegations of abuse at the State Training School are referred to the Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing (DIAL) and criminal PREA allegations are referred to the Eldora Police Department for investigation as appropriate. Additionally, PREA related agency policies are available upon request.
The State Training School has zero tolerance for sexual abuse or sexual harassment of students either by staff or other students. All reported incidents of sexual abuse by staff or others or sexual harassment by staff or others will be documented and investigated. If you would like to make a report related to sexual abuse or harassment email
For PREA information or reporting, contact Troy Kroeger, PREA Coordinator, or Jason Halsey, PREA Manager at
Males 12 to 18 years old that have been adjudicated delinquent and who meet one of the following criteria:
Age 12 and adjudicated for a forcible felony; or
Age 12 and adjudicated for violation of Code of Iowa Chapter 707; or
Age 12 and adjudicated for a substance abuse felony; or
3 out of 4 of the following:
At least 15 years of age and the court finds the placement to be in the best interests of the youth or necessary for the protection of the public;
Previous out-of-home placement for purpose of treatment;
Adjudicated for offense against a person and which would be an aggravated misdemeanor or a felony if an adult committed the act;
Has previously been adjudicated delinquent.
The facility is operated by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), under the directorship of Kelly Garcia and under the leadership of Cory Turner, Director, State-Operated Specialty Care Division. The facility superintendent is Mark Swore.
Clinical Program
The State Training School offers a holistic social, behavioral, psychiatric, academic and vocational program that utilizes counseling, treatment and consequences paired with praise and opportunity. Youth encounter fair and consistent rules which demonstrate respect for others, and, ultimately self-respect. Opportunity in the form of educational, vocational, social and recreational programs offers students the chance to find stability in their lives and security in their future. Transitional services are provided by State Training School staff as well as contract staff in an effort to maximize each student’s chances for success upon return home. Special programs which are available in addition to individual and group counseling are:
Risks and Decisions group
Substance Use Disorder Program
Sexual Abuse Program
Psychiatric and Psychology Services
Transition Services
Educational Program
A comprehensive educational program is available for students, of whom the majority have significant learning and/or behavior problems and have need of special education services. Educational programs include:
General education studies
Special education programs
Title I
General Educational Development (HiSET)
Competency-based vocational programs
The facility is located in Eldora and serves youth for all 99 Iowa counties.
To be admitted, students must be court-ordered to the facility.
The State Training School promotes healthy students by supporting wellness, good nutrition and regular physical activity as part of the total learning environment. Improved health optimizes student performance and behavioral potential. Click here for policy information.
More Information
For Administration, contact Mark Swore, Superintendent
For Clinical Services, contact Dr. Derek Hess, Interim Mental Health Authority
For Residential Treatment Services, contact Jason Halsey, Deputy Superintendent
For PREA information or reporting, contact Troy Kroeger, PREA Coordinator, or Jason Halsey, PREA Manager at
For Business services, contact Chris Olson, Business Manager
For Educational services, contact Joel Weeks, Education Administrator
For Employment information, contact Kayla Taylor, HRA
For Mental Health Authority and questions, contact Dr. Derek Hess, Interim Mental Health Authority
For record requests and questions, contact Wendi Cockram, Clerk Specialist
Click here to apply for Youth Service Worker and other jobs at the State Training School.