The purpose of the boy’s State Training School (STS) is to protect the public safety while at the same time providing court-committed male juvenile delinquents a program, which focuses upon education, supervision, and rehabilitation, designed to help juveniles recognize accountability for delinquent behavior by confronting and eliminating delinquent norms, criminal thinking, and antisocial behavior. The STS will assist the juvenile offender in the development of skills necessary to function effectively and positively in the community in a manner consistent with public safety by: 

  • Providing a humane, secure setting;
  • Providing programs within the framework of professional juvenile justice standards and best practices while using available resources effectively;
  • Holding juveniles accountable for their delinquent behavior; and
  • Developing efficient and effective juvenile delinquent treatment and rehabilitation. 

The STS at Eldora admits male youth between the ages of 12 to 18, who are court ordered as delinquents, or for an evaluation.

The STS establishes policies and procedures in accordance with standards set forth by Performance-based Standards (PbS) and the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). 

PREA allegations of abuse at the STS are referred to the Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing (DIAL) and criminal PREA allegations are referred to the Eldora Police Department for investigation as appropriate. Additionally, PREA related agency policies are available upon request.

More Information

  • For Administration, contact Mark Swore, Superintendent
  • For Clinical Services, contact Dr. Steven Cardwell, Mental Health Authority
  • For Residential Treatment Services, contact Jason Halsey, Deputy Superintendent
  • For PREA information or reporting, contact Troy Kroeger, PREA Coordinator, or Jason Halsey, PREA Manager at
  • For Business services, contact Chris Olson, Business Manager
  • For Educational services, contact Joel Weeks, Education Administrator
  • For Employment information, contact Kayla Taylor, HRA
  • For Mental Health Authority and questions, contact Dr. Steven Cardwell, Mental Health Authority
  • For record requests and questions, contact Wendi Cockram, Clerk Specialist


Click here to apply for Youth Service Worker and other jobs at the State Training School.