Trichloroethene (TCE), which is also known as trichoroethylene, is a synthetic chemical. TCE can be found in soil and water, particularly at hazardous waste sites. The chemical can leach through soil and into groundwater. The maximum contaminant level (MCL) for trichloroethene is 5 mcg/L.

Measure Description:

  • Public Water Systems - Avg is the number of community water systems that have an annual average concentration of a contaminant in the listed concentration range.
  • Population Served - Avg is the population served by community water systems that have an annual average concentration of a contaminant in the listed concentration range.
  • Public Water Systems - Max is the number of community water systems that have an annual maximum concentration of a contaminant in the listed concentration range.
  • Population Served - Max is the population served by community water systems that have an annual maximum concentration of a contaminant in the listed concentration range.
  • Average Concentration by Public Water System is the average concentration of a contaminant.

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