Suicide continues to be an important cause of death in Iowa, particularly among younger Iowans. Suicide is many times more common than homicide in the state, and can affect any Iowan regardless of age, location, or other factors.

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Measure Description:

  • Suicide Deaths - Total is the total count of suicides using the number scale on the left side of the chart.
  • Suicide Deaths - Teenagers % is suicide deaths among teenagers, aged 15-19 years, as a percentage of all suicide deaths using the percentage scale on the right side of the chart.
  • Suicide deaths are determined by ICD-10 mortality coding indicating suicide or intentional self-harm. More information about the specific codes contained in this measure can be found here.
  • Suicide deaths and suicide deaths among teenagers are rare events. Some counties will not have suicide data that can be displayed because confidentiality and privacy standards in Iowa prevent the display of data when there are 5 or fewer suicide deaths in a year at either the state or county level.

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