Click on the area below for the information needed for applying and renewing applications online.
If you need to change your name on your Iowa Permit to Practice, download and print the name change form and return via mail, fax, or email.
List items for Regulatory Programs application information
This page reflects the application process for individuals who provide medical physics services for:
Stereotactic Breast Biopsy
Radiation Therapy
Process for Applying or Renewing Online
If you are applying for a mammography and/or stereotactic biopsy registration, note that in order to avoid delays in the application process, you must upload proof of continuing education and experience annually at the time of application.
For additional information on mammography and stereotactic continuing requirements, please visit the Mammography program's Medical Physicist page.
Instructions to Create an Account - Follow these instructions if you have not renewed online before.
Instructions to Renew an Existing Permit
Instructions to Attach Additional Documents
Login tips and retrieving passwords - Review these tips if you have trouble logging into your account.
Once you have reviewed the items above you may proceed to the licensing Licensing Portal.
Apply for a New Permit
Instructions to Create an Account
Instructions to Apply for New Permit
Instructions to Attach Additional Documents
Once you have reviewed the items above you may proceed to the licensing Licensing Portal.
Medical Physicist Initial Paper Application
Medical Physicist Renewal Paper Application
For assistance navigating the Licensing Portal, contact the Regulatory Programs Help Desk at 855-824-4357 or email
This page reflects the application process for individuals who operate radiation machines or administer radioactive materials. The permit types available are:
General Radiologic Technologist
Nuclear Medicine Technologist
Radiation Therapist
Radiologist Assistant
Limited Radiologic Technologist - chest, extremities, spine, shoulder, pediatrics
X-Ray Equipment Operator - Podiatric
X-Ray Equipment Operator - Bone Densitometry
Apply or Renew Online
Review the instructions before accessing the licensing portal.
Renew an Existing Permit to Practice
Instructions to renew an existing permit - Click here to view the instructions to renew.
Instructions to create an A&A account - Follow these instructions if you have not created an account yet.
Login tips and retrieving passwords - Review these tips if you have trouble logging into your account.
Once you have reviewed the instructions above you may proceed to the Regulatory Programs Licensing Portal.
Important Notes for Entering Continuing Education
Course Start & End Date: Enter the dates the course was taken, NOT the course approval dates.
Do not add more than one CEU without saving - this will help prevent the system from timing out.
Choose the biennium date for the current year, not the next biennium.
Apply for a New Permit
Instructions to create an A&A account - Follow these instructions if you have not created an account yet.
Instructions to apply for new permit to practice
Once you have reviewed the instructions above you may proceed to the Regulatory Programs Licensing Portal.
How to add CT Endorsement to your existing Nuclear Medicine permit
CT Endorsement is for those Nuclear Medicine Technologists who wish to complete diagnostic CT scans and who have pass the CT Certification Examination through the ARRT or the NMTCB.
How to add a CT Endorsement to an existing permit
Apply for a Limited Radiography Examination
Instructions to create an A&A account - Follow these instructions if you have not created an account yet.
Instructions to apply for new limited exam - Follow these instructions if you have never applied for an exam before.
Apply or Renew by Paper
Application for a General Permit that includes: General Radiologic Technologists, Nuclear Medicine Technologists, and Radiation Therapists.
New or Renewal: General Permit to Practice Application
Application for a Limited Permit that includes: Chest, Extremity, Spine, Shoulder & Pediatric.
New or Renewal: Limited Permit to Practice Application
Apply/Renew/Reinstate for a New X-ray Operator/Radiologist Assistant Permit
Radiologist Assistant Application
Podiatric Radiography X-Ray Application
Add a Classification to an Existing Permit
Add a category to a limited radiography permit
Add a classification to an existing General Radiologic Technologist, Nuclear Medicine Technologist, or Radiation Therapist Permit to Practice
Apply for Limited Radiography Exam
Limited Radiography Exam Application
Verify a Permit
Instructions on how to perform a public search using the public portal option.
Instructions on how login and view or print a license/permit/certificate.
Once you have reviewed the instructions above you may proceed to the Regulatory Programs Licensing Portal.
For assistance navigating the Licensing Portal, please contact the Regulatory Programs Help Desk at 855-824-4357 or email
Process for Applying or Renewing Online
Renew an Existing Registration
Instructions to renew a Service Provider registration - Follow these instructions if you have an account and have already been linked.
Instructions to create an A&A account - Follow these instructions if you have not previously created an account.
Instructions to print a bill / invoice.
STOP- If you have created a personal account but have not been linked to your company, contact the Help Desk at 855-824-4357 or email
DO NOT complete a New Company Registration.
Login tips and retrieving passwords - Review these tips if you have trouble logging into your account
Once you have reviewed the instructions above you may proceed to the Regulatory Programs Licensing Portal.
Apply for a New Registration
Instructions to create an A&A account - Follow these instructions if you have not previously created an account.
Instructions to create your Service Provider company - For New Companies only.
Instructions to apply for a Service Provider registration - For New Companies only.
Instructions to print a bill / invoice.
Once you have reviewed the items above you may proceed to the Regulatory Programs Licensing Portal.
Add Individuals to Manage an Account
In order to manage your facility registration online an individual must have an account in the new online system. The identified authorized individual for your facility must follow these instructions to create their account. Once this process is completed, contact please include the authorized individual's name, the PIN number in their account, and which facility the individual should be authorized.
Instructions to create an A&A account
Verify or Print a Registration
Instructions on how to verify a registration using the public search option.
Instructions on how login and view or print a license/permit/certificate.
To perform a public search go to the Regulatory Programs Licensing Portal.
Process for Applying or Renewing by Paper
New or Renewal: Application for Radiation Machine Service Provider
For assistance navigating the Licensing Portal, please contact the Regulatory Programs Help Desk at 855-824-4357 or email
This page reflects registration process for radiation machines used for diagnostic purposes in medical/chiropractic, dental, podiatry, and veterinary facilities.
Process for Applying or Renewing Online
Renew an Existing Registration
STOP - If you have created a personal account but have not been linked to your company, contact the Regulatory Programs Help Desk at 855-824-4357 or email
DO NOT complete a New Company Registration.
Instructions to renew the machine registration for your facility - Click here to view the instructions to renew.
Instructions to create your personal A&A account - Follow these instructions if you have not previously created an account.
Login tips and retrieving passwords - Review these tips if you have trouble logging into your account.
Instructions to print a bill / invoice.
Once you have reviewed the instructions above you may proceed to the Regulatory Programs Licensing Portal to create an account or login.
Apply for a New Registration
Instructions to create your personal A&A account : Follow these instructions if you have not previously created an account.
Instructions to register your facility
Instructions to register machines to your facility
Instructions to print a bill / invoice.
Once you have reviewed the instructions above you may proceed to the Regulatory Programs Licensing Portal.
Please Note: You may need to submit a radiation shielding plan for review. Information and forms regarding shielding can be found at the Radiation Machines Program page.
Adding individuals to manage your business
In order to manage your facility registration online, an individual must have an account in the new online system. The identified authorized individual for your facility must follow these instructions to create their account. Once this process is completed, contact Please include the authorized individual's name, the PIN number in their account, and which facility the individual should be authorized.
Instructions on how to create your account.
Adding a new piece of equipment to an approved registered account
Instructions to add a new piece of equipment
To edit or remove existing equipment, contact the Regulatory Programs Help Desk at 855-824-4357 or email
Process for Applying or Renewing by Paper
Medical/Chiropractic Equipment
If your facility has many locations or large numbers of equipment, please contact and program staff will assist with your application/renewal.
Medical: general, mobile, CT, chiropractic, bone densitometry
Notice of Change Form
Please complete this form and return to the Bureau of Radiological Health if you have changes that need to be made to your facility registration.
Verify or Print a Registration
Instructions on how to verify a registration using the public search option.
Instructions on how login and view or print a license/permit/certificate.
Instructions on how to print a bill/invoice.
To perform a public search or login to an account, go to the Regulatory Programs Licensing Portal.
This page reflects the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services registration of generally licensed material and medical oncology/industrial radiation producing machines.
Process for Applying or Accessing your Account Online
in their account, and which facility the individual should be authorized.
Instructions on how to create your account.
Login tips and retrieving passwords - Review these tips if you have trouble logging into your account.
It is very important that you download and/or print a copy of the instructions above to guide you through the online system.
When you are ready to create or access your online account, please navigate to the Regulatory Programs Licensing Portal.
Application for Radioactive Material Generally Licensed Registration
Application for Medical Oncology/Industrial Radiation Producing Machines Registration
Application for Radioactive Material Reciprocity Recognition of Specific Licenses
Contact Information
For questions related to the Radioactive Materials licensing requirements please contact program staff:
Stuart Jordan: (515) 380-8837
Amanda Hughes: (515) 415-8678
Matthew Hanselman: (515) 672-6731
This page reflects the application process for individuals who wish to apply for certification for the following:
Radon Measurement Specialist
Radon Mitigation Specialist
Radon Measurement Laboratories
Please review the following guides before proceeding with the application process:
Mitigation Specialist Application Guide
Measurement Specialist Application Guide
Please review the instructions below before accessing the online licensing portal.
If you have received a renewal document/notice from Iowa HHS, please follow the instructions below:
Renew Radon Individual Certifications
Instructions to create an A&A account - Follow these instructions if you have not previously created an account.
Instructions to renew a Measurement Specialist Certification
Instructions to renew a Mitigation Specialist Certification
Login tips and retrieving passwords - Review these tips if you have trouble logging into your account.
Once you have reviewed the instructions above, proceed to the Regulatory Programs Licensing Portal.
Renew a Radon Lab Certification
Instructions to create an A&A account - Follow these instructions if you have not previously created an account.
STOP - If you have created a personal account but have not been linked to your company, contact the Regulatory Programs Help Desk at 855-824-4357 or email
DO NOT complete a New Company Registration.
Instructions to renew a Radon Lab Certification
Login tips and retrieving passwords - Review these tips if you have trouble logging into your account.
Instructions to Manage Online Administrators
Once you have reviewed the instructions above, proceed to the Regulatory Programs Licensing Portal.
Entering Mitigation Systems
Instructions to enter Mitigation Systems for an active license
Entering Measurement Data:
Instructions to enter Measurement Data for an active license
Monthly Radon Test Reporting Form and Instructions
If you are applying for a new certification, follow the instructions below:
Apply for New Radon Individual Certifications
Instructions to create an A&A account
Instructions to apply for a new Measurement Specialist Certification
Instructions to apply for a new Mitigation Specialist Certification
Once you have reviewed the instructions above, proceed to the Regulatory Programs Licensing Portal
Apply for a New Radon Lab Certification
Instructions to create an A&A account
Instructions to register a business
Instructions to apply for a new Lab Certification
Instructions to Manage Online Administrators
Once you have reviewed the instructions above, proceed to the Regulatory Programs Licensing Portal