Patients may acquire a healthcare-associated infection (HAI) while receiving treatment for medical or surgical conditions in any care setting, including hospitals, same-day surgery centers, outpatient clinics and long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities.

Iowa HHS and community partners are working together to reduce preventable HAIs in our state. 

Infection Prevention Services

Experts from Iowa HHS provide the latest education, evaluation and planning resources to help hospitals and other healthcare facilities improve infection prevention and control programs. 

Services are consultative – not regulatory or punitive – and always free of charge. To ask questions or schedule a service, email

List items for Iowa HHS HAI Program Contacts

Infection Prevention Education and Training Resources

Access the tools and information below to build awareness and understanding within your facility of proper practices to help prevent and control HAIs. 


The Iowa HHS requires reporting all disease outbreaks to protect healthcare workers, patients, families and communities. 

Visit the Iowa HHS Reportable Communicable Diseases and Infectious Conditions page on this website for: 

  • Guidance on immediate outbreak reporting. 
  • Guidance on immediate bioterrorism reporting. 
  • A complete list of reportable diseases and specific instructions for when and how to make a report.

Contact Information

Additional Resources