Children and dependent adults in Iowa deserve the greatest possible protection from abuse. The Department of Health and Human Services strives to achieve this through encouraging reports when abuse is suspected, prompt assessment of these reports, and working with families and supports to assist in providing a safe and stable home environment.

Mandatory reporters are essential partners in protecting children and dependent adults from abuse. As professionals who have frequent contact with children or dependent adults, mandatory reporters are trained to identify the signs that a child or and dependent adult may have suffered abuse or neglect. 

2024 Law Changes Impacting Child and Dependent Adult Welfare

Iowa Child Abuse Registry

Mandatory Reporting Site Poster


ATTENTION:  If you are an employee of a Long-Term Care (LTC) Facility, please review your employer's internal policies and procedures for additional clarification on your federal requirements for mandatory abuse reporting.
ATENCIÓN: Si usted es empleado de un Long-Term Care (LTC) Facility, revise las políticas y procedimientos internos de su empleador para obtener aclaraciones adicionales sobre sus requisitos federales para la notificación obligatoria de abusos.

List items for Mandatory Reporter


Reporting Child or Dependent Adult Abuse

  • Please be ready to provide identifying information about the child or dependent adult, their parents or other caregivers, and the whereabouts of the child or dependent adult and family.
  • While mandatory reporters are required to provide their name and address, all other reporters may remain anonymous.
  • Mandatory reporters are required by law to make a report of suspected abuse within 24 hours of becoming aware of the concern(s).