
The mission of Woodward Resource Center (WRC) is to prepare and support individuals to live in the community of their choice. Discharge planning begins at admission.

Who is Eligible to Receive Services?

Individuals with intellectual disabilities and other related disabilities from throughout the state of Iowa are eligible. There are specific eligibility requirements for each type of service.

How to Apply for Services or Refer Someone to This Facility

If residential Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disability (ICF/ID) services may be needed, contact the assigned Managed Care Organization (MCO) for assistance in locating services. A thorough evaluation of needs and community-based alternatives must be completed by the MCO. If a decision is made to apply for WRC ICF/ID services, the application process begins by the MCO contacting Lisa Palmer at Lisa.Palmer@hhs.iowa.gov or 515-587-7570.

The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is re-evaluating existing strategies and identifying new ones to enhance our commitment to ensuring individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities have access to the least restrictive setting to support high quality of life. 

List items for Woodward Resource Center

Report Suspected Abuse, Neglect, Fraud, or Violation of Resident Rights

For Non-Abuse or Neglect Complaints

Anonymously report fraud, mismanagement, possible violation of a resident’s rights, or other incidents occurring at the Woodward Resource Center.

This is not an emergency response line. If you or someone you know is in danger, please call 911.

Responses will be reviewed during standard business hours. Investigative interviews may occur outside of business hours as necessary to accommodate interviewee schedules.

*For State of Iowa employees*, please note that suspected violations of the state sexual harassment policy, violence-free workplace policy, or equal opportunity, affirmative action, and anti-discrimination policy should continue to be reported to the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) Human Resource Enterprise using the employee complaint form

For Dependent Adult Abuse or Neglect Reporting

Employment Information

Human Resources Department
Woodward Resource Center (WRC)
1251 - 334th Street
Woodward, Iowa 50276

See open positions here.

Video Surveillance Policy

How To Get More Information

To reach a specific person or department at WRC, call the 24-hour switchboard at 515-438-2600.