The mission of Woodward Resource Center (WRC) is to prepare and support individuals to live in the community of their choice. Discharge planning begins at admission.
Who is Eligible to Receive Services?
Individuals with intellectual disabilities and other related disabilities from throughout the state of Iowa are eligible. There are specific eligibility requirements for each type of service.
How to Apply for Services or Refer Someone to This Facility
If residential Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disability (ICF/ID) services may be needed, contact the assigned Managed Care Organization (MCO) for assistance in locating services. A thorough evaluation of needs and community-based alternatives must be completed by the MCO. If a decision is made to apply for WRC ICF/ID services, the application process begins by the MCO contacting Lisa Palmer at or 515-587-7570.
The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is re-evaluating existing strategies and identifying new ones to enhance our commitment to ensuring individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities have access to the least restrictive setting to support high quality of life.
List items for Woodward Resource Center
The facility is operated by the Iowa HHS, under the directorship of Kelly Garcia and under the leadership of Cory Turner, Director, State-Operated Specialty Care Division. The facility's superintendent is Marsha Edgington.
Multidisciplinary teams are led by Qualified Intellectual Disability Professionals (QIDPs) in an integrated approach to service provision. Team members include the individual, the individual's family/guardian, case manager, local HHS staff when applicable, direct support professionals, psychologist, psychology assistant, social worker, occupational therapist, speech/language pathologist, physical therapist, vocational/day program specialist, leisure specialist, dietician, nurse, physician/physician assistant, pharmacist, psychiatrist, and dental assistant. Specialty medical services are offered by community providers through on-campus clinics such as dental, neurology, podiatry, endocrinology, gynecology, audiology/ENT, allergy and ophthalmology. A person-centered approach is used with the goal for each person who chooses to move to the community to have that opportunity.
Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability (ICF/ID) Residential Services
Admission to a resource center occurs only for individuals with a diagnosis of intellectual disability for whom all reasonable community-based resources have been considered and it has been determined that the resource center is the most integrated setting to meet the individual’s current needs. Additionally, an evaluation by a licensed psychologist showing a diagnosis of intellectual disability must be completed within three months prior to admission; the individual must be in need of active treatment according to ICF/ID standards; and the RC must have adequate facilities, resources, services, and supports to serve the individual. Generally, people come to WRC because they need the specialized expertise available due to complex behavioral conditions. Examples include extreme emotional or behavioral dysregulation and sexualized behavior. Some individuals have been determined incompetent to stand trial and are in need of attempted competency restoration.
The resource center’s goal is for the individual to return to community-based services.
Individuals, working as part of their interdisciplinary team, help to develop their own Individual Support Plans, which are designed to meet their goals, preferences and support needs. Professional and direct service staff supports the person in meeting these goals. All services offered on the campus meet rigorous federal standards for active treatment, safety, and health.
WRC is enrolled through the Home and Community-Based Intellectual Disability Waiver program to provide Supported Community Living services.
The goal of community outreach services to persons with disabilities, their families, and providers is to help people to be successfully supported in their communities. For assistance, please call. Early intervention is often the most successful.
Consultations are provided by staff with expertise in the particular area of need. Most consultation are by I-TABS: Iowa’s Technical Assistance and Behavioral Supports. I-TABS provides behavioral consultation to community-based stakeholders and families regarding existing Behavior Support Plans or behavioral practices which are not providing the desired outcome. I-TABS is also available, upon request, for presentations or trainings on a variety of topics related to understanding behavior and strategies to support people with a variety of intellectual levels and mental health diagnoses.
Time-Limited Assessments may be offered for a period of up to 31 days on the Woodward campus as part of the ICF/ID program in order to determine effective treatment options that can be used to support a consumer in the community; follow-up services are offered when the consumer returns home.
Behavioral Health Services:
Behavioral Health Services generate behavioral programming aiming to bring about positive change in the lives of individuals while preparing them to reintegrate into a community-based setting.
Behavior Support Plan development begins with a variety of assessments including values assessments, preference assessments, psychopathology screenings, trauma screening, and functional assessments.
Assessment results are used to create hypotheses that guide the development of goals and sub goals related to both the Behavior Support Plan and development of skill acquisition programs.
Data collection, and on-going data analysis, steer programming decisions.
Programming strategies are strongly rooted in Person-Centered Positive Behavior Supports, Applied Behavior Analysis and other evidence-based models such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT).
Throughout the entire process, there is a focus on developing environmental supports and teaching skills that will be maintained over time and generalize across settings.
When individual’s move back to community-based settings, behavioral consultation from WRC staff is available to families and stakeholders.
In addition to Behavior Support Plans and new skill development programming, Behavioral Health Services also provides and/or coordinates individual and group counseling sessions for individuals living on campus and who are candidates.
This team of professionals provides a comprehensive approach to evaluate, treat and manage the well-being of individuals within the ICF/ID program as it relates to positioning and mobility, nutrition and hydration including dysphagia (feeding disorders) and oral motor dysfunction, oral cares, and mealtime management. The team considers positioning, nutrition, and all activities that involve swallowing.
The Autism Assessment and Approaches Team (AAA) supports campus residential and vocational sites.
Most individuals receiving ICF/ID services on campus are funded through Medicaid.
Consultation and training through I-TABs is free of charge to stakeholders. Other consultation and training is fee based.
The Woodward Resource Center campus is located in Woodward, Iowa. ICF/ID residential services are provided on the campus for approximately 121 people with intellectual disabilities.
Supported community living services through the HCBS/ID Waiver are provided to approximately 40 adults with intellectual disabilities living in the Madrid, Ames, Boone, Waukee, and Des Moines areas.
Consultation and training are available to families and others who provide services and supports for people with disabilities throughout the state.
Inpatient Time Limited Assessment is provided as space and staffing resources allow on the WRC campus within the ICF/ID program for up to 31 days for persons with intellectual disability from throughout the state.
Report Suspected Abuse, Neglect, Fraud, or Violation of Resident Rights
For Non-Abuse or Neglect Complaints
Anonymously report fraud, mismanagement, possible violation of a resident’s rights, or other incidents occurring at the Woodward Resource Center.
This is not an emergency response line. If you or someone you know is in danger, please call 911.
Responses will be reviewed during standard business hours. Investigative interviews may occur outside of business hours as necessary to accommodate interviewee schedules.
*For State of Iowa employees*, please note that suspected violations of the state sexual harassment policy, violence-free workplace policy, or equal opportunity, affirmative action, and anti-discrimination policy should continue to be reported to the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) Human Resource Enterprise using the employee complaint form.