About Integrated Provider Network
List items for Integrated Provider Network
Iowa HHS' Substance Use and Problem Gambling Services Integrated Provider Network (IPN) is a statewide, community-based, resiliency- and recovery-oriented system of care for substance use and problem gambling services (prevention, early intervention, treatment, and recovery support).
The IPN brings together three previously separate service systems: Substance Abuse Prevention, Substance Use Disorder Treatment, and Problem Gambling Prevention and Treatment, as directed in legislation beginning in 2009. IPN services are funded by the State General Fund appropriation to IDPH for substance use and problem gambling services and the SAMHSA Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant.
IPN contractors were selected in 2018 through a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) process and launched January 1, 2019. The RFP process evaluated applicant capability and experience to:
- Educate the public
- Assess local needs
- Understand state and national policy
- Inform and collaborate with each other and with stakeholders
- Reduce stigma
- Prevent substance use and gambling problems
- Intervene with at-risk or in-need persons and populations
- Provide effective treatment, and
- Support early remission and long term recovery
Through the IPN, contractors assist Iowa HHS to protect and improve the health of Iowans by meeting the following three goals:
- Establish and maintain a comprehensive and effective system of care for substance use and gambling problems through a statewide, integrated network of services and providers.
- Reduce substance use and gambling problems through public education, evidence-based prevention, and early intervention services.
- Increase remission and recovery from substance use disorders and problem gambling through timely, accessible, ongoing, and effective treatment services.
Contractors conduct, support, and participate in continuous quality improvement (CQI) activities that improve Integrated Provider Network services by identifying, implementing, and monitoring critical performance measures on an ongoing basis, based on valid and reliable data and stakeholder input. Iowa HHS organizes Integrated Provider Network CQI activities around NIATx concepts.
CQI activities may include, but are not limited to:
- Access and wait time performance measures
- Critical incident reports
- Data integrity reports
- Engagement and retention performance measures
- External review and evaluation
- Funding source monitoring
- Provider Manual review
- Outcome performance measures
- Process “walk-throughs” and improvement projects
- Retrospective review of service provision and contract compliance
- Satisfaction surveys
- Simulated phone calls or other requests for information or services
Documents and Forms
List items for Integrated Provider Network Documents and Forms
- IPN Claim Progress Report (January 2019)
- IPN Claim Process Instructions (July 2020)
- IPN Claim Process Instructions (August 2021)
- I-SMART Prevention User Manual(June 2019)
- I-SMART Prevention User Manual (August 2020)
- I-SMART Support Documentation (Substance Use Disorders)
- I-SMART Support Documentation (Problem Gambling)
- Problem Gambling Treatment Data Entry Matrix (February 2021)
- SUD Treatment Data Entry Matrix(February 2021)
- IPN Contract Guidance for COVID-19 (July 2021)
- IPN Critical Incident Form
- IPN Exception Request
- IPN Provider Manual (April 2022)
- IPN Provider Manual (April 22) Release #1: Appendix O Revision (May 2022)
- IPN RFP Amendment #1-4
- IPN Service Area Map (Updated August 2023)
- IPN Sliding Fee Modification Notice (December 2020)
- IPN Transportation Receipt (PDF)
- Your Life Iowa Logos
- IDPH Prevention Guide (August 2019)
- IPN Prevention Services Orientation Guide (January 2019)
- IPN Prevention Services Orientation Guide (July 2019)
- IPN Prevention Services Orientation Guide (July 2020)
- Responsible Gaming Presentation (September 2019)
- IPN Provider Manual (April 2022) - Provider Release #4 (April 20, 2023)
- IPN Exception Request
- IPN Transportation Receipt
- IBHRS State Waitlist Guide (January 2022)
- IDPH State Waitlist Cover Sheet
- State Waitlist Consent Template
- Recovery Peer Coaching Fact Sheet
- Your Life Iowa Referral and Follow-up Process (March 2021)
Meetings and Training
Below are the scheduled meetings and trainings, and those that have been recorded, including related handouts (if applicable).
List items for Integrated Provider Network Meetings and Training
- IPN Claim Process Instructions (SFY 2021) Training (July 28, 2020)
The IPNCoP will be a platform to interact regularly, and as a group, exchange tools and information, learn how to do what we do better, and how we can help each other.
Click here for the SFY 2022 IPN Grant Meeting Schedule (includes IPNCoP schedule and how to access).
- Your Life Iowa Problem Gambling Warm Hand-off Kick Off Meeting (September 23, 20211) Handouts
- IBHRS State Waitlist Training (January 27, 2022) IBHRS State Waitlist Guide (January 2022)
For questions and technical assistance, email the IPN Help Desk at ipn@idph.iowa.gov.
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