In Iowa, the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman (OSLTCO) is authorized by the federal Older Americans Act and the state Older Iowans Act. Operating as an independent entity within the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services, it's mission is to protect the health, safety, welfare and rights of individuals residing in long-term care facilities by investigating complaints, seeking resolutions to problems, and providing advocacy with the goal of enhancing quality of life and care.
In 2018, the OSLTCO had jurisdiction to advocate for the rights of the more than 55,000 Iowans residing in long-term care settings in Iowa, including those living in nursing facilities, residential care facilities, assisted living programs, and elder group homes. Activities included:
- Resolving complaints made by or on behalf of residents/tenants of long-term care facilities;
- Educating consumers and long-term care providers about residents' rights and good care practices;
- Promoting community involvement through volunteer opportunities;
- Providing information to the public on nursing facilities and other long-term care facilities, residents' rights and legislative and policy issues;
- Advocating for residents' rights and quality care in nursing facilities, residential care facilities and assisted living programs; and
- Promoting the development of citizen organizations, family councils and resident councils.
Find Your Local Long-Term Care Ombudsman
You may wish to contact your Local Long-Term Care Ombudsman if you are a:
- Resident or tenant of a nursing facility, residential care facility, assisted living program or elder group home;
- Family member or friend of a long-term care resident or tenant;
- Person who is interested in the welfare of residents/tenants;
- Person or family considering long-term care placement;
- Have questions about residents' rights; or
- Long-term care administrator or employee with a concern about a resident at their facility
- Looking for assistance with involuntary discharge
Local Long-Term Care Ombudsman Districts
To find your county's Ombudsman, review the districts in this regions map.