A concussion may occur with an injury to the head or brain. Symptoms include:
- Headache and/or pressure in the head
- Nausea
- Balance problems
- Dizziness
- Double vision
- Sensitivity to light/noise
- Feeling slowed down, foggy or dazed
- Confusion, difficulty concentrating
If you or someone around you has a concussion, seek help right away. A healthcare provider is important for recovery.
Iowa Concussion Speakers' Bureau
In 2018, a Concussion Speakers' Bureau was formed to provide information and training about mild brain injuries and concussion management across Iowa. Their presentations are based on the REAP Concussion Management program and align with Iowa's current concussion law. If you are interested in requesting a presentation for your organization, school, or community, please email the Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa at icc@biaia.org.
Are you a professional who has expertise in the evaluation and management of concussions and other brain injuries and is willing to share your time and talents? Please consider joining the Speakers' Bureau by emailing the Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa at icc@biaia.org.
Other Resources
Need information and support following a concussion? The Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa is the Department of Health and Human Services contract partner for NeuroResource Facilitation. You can talk to one of their staff by calling 855-444-6443 or by emailing info@biaia.org.