
Programs & Services

The purpose of screening for metabolic and congenital disorders in the newborn period is to enable the early identification of and intervention for at-risk individuals in order to prevent or lessen adverse health consequences such as intellectual and physical disability, serious illness, and death, with the overall objective of improving the quality of life for Iowans.

Newborn screening is required by law in Iowa to screen for certain inherited conditions. Babies born in Iowa have small spots of blood collected 24 to 48 hours from birth to be tested for newborn screening. If you would like your child's left-over newborn screening blood spot specimen destroyed or returned to you, please call the Director of the Iowa Newborn Screening Program at 1-833-496-8040, and they will assist you.

The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services works with the State Hygienic Lab at The University of Iowa, the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital, and health care providers around the state to collect, test and follow-up for newborn screening.

Learn about Iowa’s three newborn screening programs on the Iowa Newborn Screening Programs Education page

* Iowa Newborn Screening Programs do not provide newborn drug screening services.

For more information about Iowa's Newborn Screening Program, call 1-833-496-8040.

List items for Policy Regarding Release of Newborn Screening Results as Proof of Sick