5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count!—a public-private partnership—cultivates healthy places for Iowa children and families using evidence-based healthy eating and active living approaches. Working together, Iowa HHS and the Healthiest State Initiative provide strategic leadership, stakeholder management, community funding, and evaluation to the initiative.

Daily Recommendations


Servings of fruits and vegetables


Hours or less of recreational screen time


Hour or more of physical activity


Sugary drinks - drink more water

5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! provides communities, teachers, parents, child care providers, health care providers, and business leaders resources to increase physical activity and healthy eating through policy and environmental change.

How to Improve Your Community with 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count!

The 5-2-1-0 multi-setting model allows early care and education programs, K-12 schools, out-of-school programs, and health care practices to unite in the goal of encouraging Iowa children to adopt healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Join an important network of sectors working towards healthier environments where young Iowans live, learn, and play. Get involved now!

Healthy Eating and Active Living Trainings and Resources

Nutrition and Physical Activity Webinar Series is a 3-part webinar series, will discuss how policy, systems, and environments influences health. The webinar series will discuss how using evidence-based nutrition and physical activity strategies, grounded in policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) change can help improve communities. Each webinar recording has accompanying pdf slides, a list of resource links mentioned in the training, and discussion questions to help program partners apply the concepts of the webinar to their communities and programs.

The Healthy Eating and Active Living Strategies for Iowa Guide is designed to provide background information on policy, systems and environmental practices to improve nutrition and physical activity access and availability, implementation considerations for new or existing programs, ideas for sustainability, and case studies describing how interventions can be adapted to diverse settings in Iowa.

Visit the Healthiest State Initiative website to find information on 5-2-1-0 registered sites, resources, monthly features, blogs, news and much more!

Funding 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! Communities

Iowa HHS provides funding and technical assistance to work with multi-sector community coalitions to make sustainable and equitable environmental and policy changes around 5-2-1-0 evidence-based strategies.

Funding for 5-2-1-0 Communities comes from the State of Iowa legislative budget allocated for childhood obesity prevention. Funding is provided in a three-year tiered allocation, first-year communities receiving $30,000, second-year communities $15,000, and third-year communities $8,000.

View the 2023 5-2-1-0 Final Report

See communities funded here