HHS oversees a variety of programs that work to protect the rights of older adults. The following services and resources are available:

  • Legal Assistance – Legal advice and representation provided by an attorney or a paralegal/law student under the supervision of an attorney.
  • Elder Abuse Prevention & Awareness (Case Management) 
    • Consultation – Provided to an individual at risk of, or experiencing abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation. A consultation provides the opportunity to connect the individual to available community resources and services.
    • Assessment & Intervention – Provided to an individual at risk of, or experiencing abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation. An assessment & intervention entails one-on-one discussions to identify what is important to the individual at risk. A service plan is developed identifying services and resources to support the individual’s health and safety.
  • Office of Public Guardian

To access services for individuals at risk of, or experiencing elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation, connect with your nearest AAA.

List items for Legal Assistance and Abuse Prevention

Abuse Reporting

For individuals living outside of care facilities, contact:

For individuals living in a long-term care facility or assisted living program:
