The following funding opportunities are being made available to child care workers and programs affected by the COVID-19 crisis. To learn more about each option, scroll down and find the corresponding heading for a more detailed description.
- Child Care Stipends
- CCA Absent Day Billing
List items for Child Care Funding Opportunities
The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services is excited to announce another round of stipends for licensed and registered child care providers with the last of the American Rescue Plan Act CCDF Supplemental Discretionary funding. This is the last of the federal stimulus funding that Iowa received for child care in response to COVID-19. Awards will be tiered in relation to program size and number of applicants. We anticipate awards ranging from $10,000-$50,000 per program.
At application, you will be required to attest to your understanding and willingness to meet requirements for allowable use of funding. Because this is one-time, non-sustainable funding, there are additional prohibited uses of funds.
Must be a licensed child care center or child development home.
Active registration or licensing status will be verified and cross-checked to application for funding to ensure program is operational prior to receiving funds.
Application Process:
You may apply for a stipend using the applications below between December 12, 2023-January 12, 2024.
The following is required at application:
- First and Last Name or Program Name
- KinderTrack Number
- Licensed Capacity
- Estimated expense report on how funding will be utilized
- Agree/Attest to:
- Maintaining receipts of expenditures for auditing purposes
- Maintaining operations for no less than 12 months from application date.
- Following allowable and non-allowable expenses
- Understand that if the program ceases operations, a Certificate of Registration is revoked, or a license is terminated, the Department reserves the right to recoup any and all funding received from this stipend.
As of November 1, 2021, HHS temporarily increased the number of monthly absent days for the Child Care Assistance (CCA) program from 4 to 6. This change will be effective through September 30, 2024.
HHS is currently operating a pilot program in which individuals that work in direct care at a child care facility can apply for Child Care Assistance (CCA) without regard to family income. For additional details please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document.