Thank you for helping care for and educate Iowa's greatest resource, our children.
We have many resources to support you including the Provider Portal to help providers apply for, manage and find rules, forms, training, licensing standard and guidelines.
The safety of children is important to all of us. For information on keeping children safe while they sleep, visit the Safe Sleeping for Infants webpage.
List items for Child Care Providers
All Child Care Providers must complete First Aid, CPR, and Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Training. Additionally, all child care providers receive training in the following content areas:
- Prevention and control of infectious disease, including immunizations.
- Prevention of sudden infant death syndrome and use of safe sleep practices.
- Administration of medication, consistent with standards for parental consent.
- Prevention of and response to emergencies due to food and allergic reactions.
- Building and physical-premises safety, including identification of and protection from hazards that can cause bodily injury, such as electrical hazards, bodies of water, and vehicular traffic.
- Prevention of shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma.
- Emergency preparedness and response planning for emergencies resulting from a natural disaster or a human-caused event.
- Handling and storage of hazardous materials and the appropriate disposal of bio-contaminants.
- Precautions in transporting children.
View a full list of provider requirements here.
If you need help using the i-PoWeR system, check out the short, task related videos at the bottom of the CCR&R training page.
Additional i-PoWeR information can be found on the CCR&R website.
Approved Preservice/Orientation and Essentials for Child Care Providers - A listing of currently approved training organizations offering preservice/orientation and essentials for child care providers. (Updated on March 1, 2019)
Approved CPR and First Aid for Child Care Providers - A listing of currently approved training organizations offering CPR and First Aid for child care providers. (Updated on December 16, 2024)
Approved Professional Development for Child Care Providers - A listing of currently approved and recently expired training opportunities for child care providers. (Updated on May 15, 2024)
Search or Enroll for HHS Approved Professional Development - The resource for providers to find and sign-up for approved trainings.
Request for Child Care Professional Development Organization Review -
- Create an account in the i-PoWeR system
- Link to a Role, click the second select option, select Professional Development Organization Manager, click "Cannot Find Business"
- Enter business information, select an application type, select assurances and upload requested documents, click submit.
- Please send questions to the Child Care Professional Development team
Iowa School-Age Career Pathway
Iowa child care providers can apply for national accreditation and participate in professional associations.
Child care programs may choose to obtain national accreditation. The accreditation process verifies that the child care program has met standards that are related to high-quality early learning and positive outcomes for children. Centers can apply for accreditation through the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and Child Development Homes can apply through the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC).
For more information visit:
Professionals that work in child care can also choose to become members of early childhood professional associations. Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children (Iowa AEYC) is an affiliate of NAEYC and supports professionals that work in both center-based settings and home-based settings.
The Child Care Assistance Program supports low income families with parents, who are looking for work, employed or attending school to pursue vocational or educational training.
As a provider, you may serve child care assistance families as a licensed center, registered child development home or child care home provider.
Half-Day Rate Ceilings for (Licensed Center) 
  | No Quality Rating  | Quality Rating Levels 1 or 2  | Quality Rating Levels 3 or 4  | Quality Rating Level 5  | ||||
Age Group  | Basic  | Special Needs  | Basic  | Special Needs  | Basic  | Special Needs  | Basic  | Special Needs  |
Infant and Toddler  | $25.66  | $51.94  | $25.66  | $51.94  | $25.66 | $51.94 | $27.00  | $51.94 |
Preschool  | $19.50  | $30.43  | $20.25  | $30.43  | $21.50  | $30.43  | $22.97  | $30.43  |
School Age  | $16.50  | $30.34  | $17.10  | $30.34  | $17.50  | $30.34  | $18.50  | $30.34  |
Half-Day Rate Ceilings for (Child Development Home A or B) 
  | No Quality Rating  | Quality Rating Levels 1 or 2  | Quality Rating Levels 3 or 4  | Quality Rating Level 5  | ||||
Age Group  | Basic  | Special Needs  | Basic  | Special Needs  | Basic  | Special Needs  | Basic  | Special Needs  |
Infant and Toddler  | $16.63  | $24.95  | $16.63  | $24.95  | $16.63  | $24.95  | $17.50  | $26.25  |
Preschool  | $15.00  | $22.50  | $15.50  | $23.25  | $16.00  | $24.00  | $17.00  | $25.50  |
School Age  | $15.00  | $22.50  | $15.25  | $22.88  | $15.50  | $23.25  | $15.75  | $23.63  |
Half-Day Rate Ceilings for (Child Development Home C) 
  | No Quality Rating  | Quality Rating Levels 1 or 2  | Quality Rating Levels 3 or 4  | Quality Rating Level 5  | ||||
Age Group  | Basic  | Special Needs  | Basic  | Special Needs  | Basic  | Special Needs  | Basic  | Special Needs  |
Infant and Toddler  | $18.00  | $27.00  | $18.00  | $27.00  | $18.00  | $27.00  | $18.50  | $27.75  |
Preschool  | $16.28  | $24.42  | $17.00  | $25.50  | $17.50  | $26.25  | $18.50  | $27.75  |
School Age  | $15.00  | $22.50  | $15.75  | $23.63  | $16.44  | $24.66  | $17.50  | $26.25  |
Half-Day Rate Ceilings for Child Care Homes (not registered) 
Age Group  | Basic  | Special Needs  |
Infant and Toddler  | $16.63  | $24.95  |
Preschool  | $15.00  | $22.50  |
School Age  | $15.00  | $22.50  |