The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services Sexually Transmitted Infection Program works to mitigate the effects of sexually transmitted infections among Iowans. In a rural state like Iowa, the STI Program must partner with other groups, agencies, and organizations for the delivery of information and services. The STI Program has established 58 provider sites for gonorrhea and chlamydia testing and treatment. The combination of local health departments and a network of local medical providers are the system that controls these diseases.

In the State of Iowa, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, and AIDS are reportable to the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services. By Iowa Code, both the clinician who ordered the test and the laboratory that processed the specimen are to report names and other patient demographics to Iowa HHS. This information is protected by law and cannot be released to anyone other than individuals (disease intervention specialists and county public health communicable disease investigators) who perform partner notification and partner referral. In Iowa, by law, a minor can be tested and treated for a sexually transmitted disease without parental consent. The reporting form for providers or clinics to report chlamydia, gonorrhea, or syphilis diagnoses can be found below. 

Reporting of STIs

The following infections are reportable in Iowa:

  • Chlamydia (for all anatomic sites)
  • Gonorrhea (for all anatomic sites)
  • Syphilis

Medical providers who make these diagnoses and laboratories who find positive results for these infections are required to report. Many laboratories now have automated processes (e.g., Electronic Laboratory Reporting) to report their results. A March 2021 update to the reporting requirements for serological syphilis results (that requires reporting of reactive and non-reactive results) can be found here. The technology for automated reporting from medical providers is not fully developed at this time.

The most common method of reporting by medical providers is by completing the form below. Other methods of reporting must be arranged with the Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) assigned to your area. There are 7 DIS at Iowa HHS who cover regions in Iowa (exception – providers in Polk, Linn, Scott, and Black Hawk counties may work directly with their county health department).

DIS perform treatment verification for persons diagnosed with gonorrhea or infectious syphilis. Treatment is an important part of the medical provider’s report to Iowa HHS. DIS work to ensure that persons diagnosed with the above infections are treated according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) STI Treatment Guidelines.

DIS offer partner services to persons diagnosed with infectious syphilis or HIV.

DIS are available to assist you in contacting patients that are difficult to reach to ensure they are aware of their diagnosis and have received adequate treatment.

Iowa STI reporting form for clinicians

Subscribe to Epidemiology and Data Reports

STI Resources and Information

Materials Ordering System

HIV, STI and Hepatitis Materials Order Form

If you are unable to access this form, contact Andrea Piekarczyk at

STI Data

Check out the Iowa Public Health Tracking Portal for county-level data on chlamydia and gonorrhea. Need to request additional STI data? Please fill out this form.

Iowa Disease Surveillance Data for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis

Contact Information

STI Program Fax Number: 515-725-1278

Biz McChesneyBureau Chief515-601-0140
George WaltonSTI Section Supervisor515-240-1143
Kelli CampbellSTI Data Management Analyst515-321-9271
VacantSTI Treatment and Data Assurance Specialist 
Katy HernandezSTI Epidemiologist515-380-9529
Claudia BeckerSTI Data Coordinator515-281-3031
Preet K. DhuggaSTI Data Assistant515-229-7790
Jodie LiebeCBSS Coordinator515-783-4076

Partner Services Field Staff (Disease Intervention Specialists—see the DIS regional map for more information)

1Maria Alvarez515-587-0748515-725-1278
2Gina Mallett, DIS Co-Lead515-783-4086515-725-1278
2Shannon Wood, DIS Co-Lead515-783-4079515-725-1278
3Nellie Burk515-218-3299515-725-1278
4Mindy Schattner 515-782-7700515-725-1278
5Matt Sanford515-305-0645515-725-1278
6Sydni Hilton515-443-6458515-725-1278
8Annie Rodruck515-204-8773515-725-1278
9Laccie Marvin515-322-1664515-725-1278
10Stephanie Schade515-410-7363515-725-1278
 Lexie Hach, Special Projects515-401-6420515-725-1278