The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) and the State Hygienic Lab (SHL) confirm

detection of the first case of the COVID-19 variant, Omicron, in an Iowa resident. The case involves an

unvaccinated individual under the age of 18 who resides in Black Hawk County. The individual remains

asymptomatic, however because of travel exposure; the family sought testing based on public health

guidance. The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) and the State Hygienic Lab (SHL) confirm

detection of the first case of the COVID-19 variant, Omicron, in an Iowa resident. The case involves an

unvaccinated individual under the age of 18 who resides in Black Hawk County. The individual remains

asymptomatic, however because of travel exposure; the family sought testing based on public health


Black Hawk County Public Health acted quickly to initiate contact with the family and remain in contact to

monitor the health of the individual. Proactive measures taken by the involved family, leadership of the county

health department along with support provided by SHL underscore the strength of our public health process. It

is because of this process that Iowans are informed about virus activity in the state. As always, COVID-19

infected individuals are advised to isolate in accordance with IDPH and CDC guidance.†

SHL maintains a strong statewide genomic surveillance program and the lab will continue to prioritize

sequencing of test samples that look suspicious for the Omicron and other variants.

ìThere is emerging evidence that a booster dose of vaccine offers protection against Omicron, which is

great news. Vaccinated Iowans who have not yet received a booster should do so as soon as possible,î

said IDPH interim Director Kelly Garcia. ìI want to emphasize how grateful I am to Iowans who have

chosen to get vaccinated, thank you. To those who havenít been vaccinated for COVID-19 yet, I urge you

to speak with your health care provider about the vaccineís benefits for you and those around youî.

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