Staff maintains a comprehensive data and surveillance system capable of monitoring progress on health objectives, identifying emerging health issues, and supporting policy development. The center regularly analyzes health data resident in the department, conducts research on health issues, provides access to health information for the state and public, and supports other health data activities as appropriate.

The center annually publishes Vital Statistics in Iowa, Vital Statistics in Brief, and the Iowa Health Indicator Tracking System, a software package of health status indicators. The center also publishes special studies on selected topics such as infant mortality, caesarean sections, county estimates of behavioral risk factors, and life expectancy tables.

Preliminary Data

Here's access to preliminary Birth, Marriage, Fetal Death, and Death totals from 2017 through the current registration time period. Preliminary data is statistical vital record data published prior to the close of the year-end statistical file. This data will change as vital records are registered. New preliminary numbers will be released 30 days after the end of the month. The preliminary data shown below represents occurrence data (births, deaths or marriages that occur in Iowa). The data does NOT show residence data (births, deaths or marriages of people who reside in Iowa).


Graph of total births by month


Graph of total marriages by month

Fetal Death

Graph of total fetal deaths by month


Graph of total deaths by month

Vital Statistics of Iowa Annual Report

For reports from previous years, visit Iowa Publications Online .

Vital Statistics of Iowa in Brief

The Bureau of Health Statistics annually publishes the "Vital Statistics of Iowa, in Brief" in the spring of each year. This document is intended to serve as a "pocket guide" to the health status of Iowans. The data in this publication are not final.

Tips for Using Vital Statistics

These publications are a historical recording of the most requested statistics on vital events and is a source of information that can be used in further analysis. While many users of vital statistics have a good working knowledge of this subject, others may not fully understand the data limitations. This section discusses items to help the reader use this document.

For Statistics and Data Requests, call (515) 281-4945.