On this page...
Immunization Recommendations & Schedules
- Immunization Recommendations During Natural Disaster (Floods and Tornadoes)
- Catch Up Immunization Schedule
- Immunization-related Resources for Health Care Providers
- General Best Practice Guidelines for Immunization
Adolescents need to continue their immunization series and receive booster doses of vaccines for ongoing protection (immunity) against diseases. New vaccines have recently become available and are recommended for all adolescents. Immunizations have the potential to protect not only the health of adolescents but their friends, families, and communities.
- Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule
- Vaccines for Your Children
- Tips and Time-savers for Talking with Parents about HPV Vaccine
Diseases do not have age limits. Vaccines are not just for kids, adults need protection too.
Back to topInternational Travel
Immunizations are necessary for protection from diseases that are still common in many parts of the world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Travelers' Health page offers information to assist travelers and their health-care providers to decide what vaccines are necessary to prevent illness during international travel. The CDC divides vaccines for travel into three categories: routine, recommended, and required. For information on vaccines for travelers based on destination and locations to receive Yellow Fever vaccine visit the links below.
Back to topIowa Immunization Requirements
Iowa Code, Chapter 139a.8(6) and Iowa Administrative Code, 641-7.7(139) outline the immunization requirement for students attending licensed child care centers and elementary or secondary schools. Students shall have received the required immunizations and submit the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services Certificate of Immunization or have a valid Certificate of Immunization Exemption, or Provisional Certificate of Immunization.
Immunization Requirements
Iowa Immunization Administrative Code - Chapter 7
Executive Order 10 - Letter to Partners
Executive Order 10 - Frequently Asked Questions
School Immunization Requirements Letter- Superintendents
Program Documents
Immunization Requirements Chart
Immunization Certificates
- Certificate of Immunization
- Certificate of Immunization Exemption-Medical
- Certificate of Immunization Exemption-Religious
- Provisional Certificate of Immunization
- Statement of Approval for Alternative Certificate of Immunization
Auditor Information
Audit Information - updated 8.8.2024
2024-2025 Immunization Audit Guide
2024-2025 Immunization Audit Training
2024-2025 Immunization Audit PowerPoint
School and Child Care Audit Forms
Iowa HHS Licensed Child Care Centers
Back to topResources
- CDC Vaccines and Immunizations Web page: All Training and CE Offerings
- Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
- Vaccine Storage and Handling CDC webpage
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Vaccinate Your Family
- Food and Drug Administration
- Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization
- Immunize.org
- Institute for Vaccine Safety
- National Vaccine Program Office