Outreach & Educational Videos
Materials for CLPPPs, Title V and Other Agencies to Distribute for Educational/ Informational Purposes
- Check Your Home and Toddler for Lead! (English)
- Check Your Home and Toddler for Lead! (Spanish)
- Your Child's Capillary Blood Lead Level (English)
- Your Child's Capillary Blood Lead Level (Spanish)
- Your Child's Venous Blood Lead Level (English)
- Your Child's Venous Blood Lead Level (Spanish)
Links to External Resources
- Lead Poisoning: How to Protect Iowa Families
- 5 things you can do to help lower your child’s lead level (English)
- Lead Paint Safety Field Guide
- Finding an Iowa Certified lead Professional
Healthy Habit All-Stars
- Episode 6: Parker’s Problem
- Educational flyer for Episode 6: Parker's Problem
- View other episodes in the Healthy Habit All-Stars series.
Educational Videos
- Testing Your Child for Lead
- Lead-Safe Home Repairs and Renovations
- Protecting Your Child from Lead Exposure
- Lowering Your Child's Blood Lead Level
Resources for Providers and Local Programs
Program Resources for CLPPP Contractors, Title V, Providers, Child Health Service Agencies Blood Lead Testing and Follow-Up
Blood Lead Testing Guidelines and Screening Tools
Mandatory Testing Requirement of Children Under Six Years of Age
- Iowa Administrative Code 641 Chapter 68
- Religious Exemption (English)
- Religious Exemption (Spanish)
- Low Risk Exemption (English)
- Low Risk Exemption (Spanish)
- School Kindergarten Enrollment Match Process
- Mandatory Testing Memo for Parents from School Nurses
Blood Lead Testing and Lead Risk Data
Childhood Lead Program Video Training Modules
The following video training modules provide a general overview of topics related to lead poisoning prevention in Iowa. Each module contains educational information related to a specific topic on lead, followed by a short quiz to test your knowledge, and a training certificate. Training modules were developed to provide information to the general public, medical providers, public health professionals, child health service organizations, and anyone interested in learning more about lead poisoning prevention programs and services in Iowa.
The training modules are a collaborative effort between the Iowa Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program and the Iowa Institute of Public Health Research and Policy at the University of Iowa.
- Module 1: Sources and Impact of Lead
- Module 2: Lead and Housing
- Module 3: Blood Lead Testing
- Module 4: Intervention Services
- Module 5: Lead Professional Certification