As a family who is learning about your child's hearing differences, we know you may be feeling many emotions. You may feel unsure, overwhelmed or other emotions related to decisions you are facing ahead. What does this mean? What should I know? Where do I even start? There is so much information to learn and knowing where to start can be confusing. We have worked with parents to develop a quick family guide and guía para padres en español (Spanish family guide). These guides will get you started on your journey and will provide guidance on next steps and resources available to your child and family related to the newly identified hearing differences. This page was inspired by families for families as a guide to learn more about newborn hearing screening, diagnosis of hearing differences in a child and resources available to help your child and family. No matter where you and your family are in the detection process, you are supported by a whole community working to make sure your child receives the care that is right for them. Below is more information to help your family learn about newborn hearing screening and the importance of timely follow-up and resources available for your child and family. 

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There is a whole community here to help

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Family Support

Another valuable resource is Family Support. Family support is an informal way to connect with other families. Families are paired based on the specific need, experience or want for their child with another family or mentor. Families often feel empowered when they talk to other families who have been on a similar journey and are able to share their story and provide unbiased support. The EHDI program provides family support services for children newborn to three years of age in Iowa diagnosed as deaf or hard of hearing. The needs of Iowa families vary and so do the kind of supports available. Family support is offered through two types of mentor support and different opportunities for families to connect and share valuable life experiences. If you are interested in becoming either a Family Partner or Deaf/Hard of Hearing Partner, please fill out this form and the Family Support Coordinator will contact you. 

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Family Support Contacts

If you are interested in family support for your family or a family you serve or interested in becoming a mentor, please contact the EHDI program.

Heather Dirks, EHDI Family Support Coordinator

P: 515-344-2710, Toll Free: 833-496-8040

EHDI Program

P: 833-496-8040

Fax: 515-242-6013

EHDI Family Events Calendar

State and National Resources

There is a whole community of people passionate about helping those with hearing differences connect to the resources and organizations they may find helpful on their journey. Below you will find a number of state and national resources available to you.

Disclaimer: The following list of web links is not exhaustive, but a place to begin for those interested in learning more about Early Hearing Detection and Intervention programs, hearing differences, and family support. Each Web site below provides additional resources.


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