Undetected hearing loss is a developmental emergency, and EHDI providers and their staff play a critical role in ensuring all infants receive timely and appropriate hearing healthcare follow-up. Working collaboratively with the EHDI Team we can ensure that hearing differences are detected as soon as possible. Together we can support children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families.

To help your patients find diagnostic audiology center or get additional assistance, please contact the EHDI program staff at 833-496-8040.

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EHDI Provider Educational Opportunities

List items for EHDI Provider Educational Opportunities

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Provider Resources

Tips for a Successful Screening

JCIH Guidance for Early Intervention/Early ACCESS Referral-One Pager

Newborn Hearing Screening Journey

Hearing Screening Follow-up Flowchart

Joint Committee on Infant Hearing Screening Position Statement

Risk Factor Information

Parent Messaging about Results One-Pager

Diagnostic Audiology Centers

What is Early ACCESS? (postcard)¿Qué es Early ACCESS? (tarjeta postal)

Early ACCESS Referral Link

Post Diagnosis Referrals Checklist

Communications Options

Loaner Screening Equipment

EHDI Frequently Asked Questions Guide for Physicians

Bright Futures EHDI Tip Sheet

Self-Rating Best Practices Rubric for Birth Facilities

Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Literature Review Table

Early ACCESS Referral Tips

For additional resources or literature related to newborn hearing screening and follow-up, please contact EHDI staff at 833-496-8040.

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EHDI Forms

List items for EHDI Forms

Forms included on this page are meant to be a resource to support newborn hearing screening and follow-up. Information submitted to the EHDI program shall be submitted electronically through the EHDI database. Please contact EHDI staff with questions.

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EHDI Database Resources

List items for EHDI Database Resources

Iowa Newborn Screening Information System (INSIS) is an integrated, web-based data system that serves as the statewide tracking and surveillance system for children from birth to age 3 for all newborn screening programs in Iowa. These programs are; EHDI, Critical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD) and Dried Blood Spot.

INSIS is a password-protected data system and access into the system is only available to approved parties. To gain access into INSIS (because you screen or diagnose children under the age of 3), receive a copy of a previously recorded training or to schedule a live training, please contact EHDI staff.

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Myths vs. Clinical Facts

List items for Myths vs. Clinical Facts

Making decisions throughout the hearing screening process requires accurate information. Explore the common misconceptions surrounding hearing differences below.

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EHDI Laws and Administrative Rules

Due to the serious ramifications of undetected hearing loss, Iowa legislature passed a law which requires universal hearing screening of all newborns and infants in Iowa. It further provides that any birthing facility, including Area Education Agencies (AEAs), as well as providers, such as physicians, audiologists or other health care professionals are legally required to report the results of a hearing screen, re-screen or diagnostic assessment for any child under three years of age to the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services within six business days.

Read below to learn more about your role in the law and the administrative structure required for this program to work within your facility.


EHDI Administrative Rules

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