The PROMISE JOBS program provides work and training services to FIP participants. Family Investment Program (FIP) is Iowa's cash assistance program under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant.
Iowa HHS contracts with Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) to provide PROMoting Independence and Self-sufficiency through Employment, Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (PROMISE JOBS) services for most FIP participants. This program provides work and training services for people in families receiving FIP cash assistance.
PROMISE JOBS Program Services
We can help you assess your skills.
Job readiness skills training
Structured job search
Individual job search
Mental Health Treatment
Substance Abuse Treatment
Other Rehabilitation
Employment (full-time, part-time, self-employment, subsidized employment, or on-the-job training)
Work Experience Placement (WEP)
Unpaid Community Service
​​​​​​High school completion, or high school equivalency diploma (HSED)
English as a Secondary Language (ESL)
Adult Basic Education (ABE)
Short-term vocational training
AA, BA, or BS programs that prepare a participant for a specific profession
Transportation assistance for people in activities other than paid work
Education expenses
Family Self-Sufficiency Grant (FSSG)
The purpose of FSSG is to provide immediate and short-term assistance to PROMISE JOBS participant families to remove specific barriers related to obtaining or retaining employment so families may reduce the length of time they receive FIP.