Member Materials
MCO Resources
MCO Member-Specific Contact Information
Please contact your MCO or dental carrier's Member Services department:
Phone: 1-844-236-0894
Phone: 1-833-731-2140
List items for Iowa Health Link MCO Resources
Each of the MCOs have selected a transportation vendor. Contact your MCO's NEMT broker to schedule a ride:
- Iowa Total Care
- Broker: Access2Care
- Phone: 877-271-4819
- Website:
- Molina Healthcare
- Broker: Access2Care
- Phone: 866-849-2062
- Website:
- Wellpoint Iowa (formerly Amerigroup)
- Broker: Access2Care
- Phone: 844-544-1389
- Website:
Iowa Health Link Member Rights and Responsibilities
- To receive timely, appropriate, and accessible medical care
- To obtain a second opinion regarding a medical diagnosis
- To choose the provider of your choice from the providers available with your MCO
- To change your MCO as allowed by program policy
- To appeal a decision that you do not agree with
- To be treated with respect and dignity
- To be treated without discrimination with regard to race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, disability, political belief or veteran status
- To participate in decisions regarding your health care, including the right to refuse treatment
- To be knowledgeable about your medical coverage
- To obtain routine and ongoing care from your provider in an office setting
- To contact your provider before emergency room visits with the exception of situations requiring emergency care. (See page 15 of the Iowa Health Link Member Handbook (Espanol) for the definition of emergency situations.)
- To carry your current medical assistance card and MCO card at all times and present it when accessing medical care.
- To call the number on the reverse side of your medical cards if you move or have incorrect information printed on your medical cards
- To be responsible for any medical bills if you do not present your Iowa Medicaid card or MCO card at the time of your visit
- To be responsible for any medical bills for services provided by a practitioner who is not participating in the Iowa Medicaid program or is not enrolled with your MCO
Iowa Health Link members have the right to file an appeal with their MCO, before filing an appeal with Iowa Medicaid. For benefit or service-related issues, please contact your MCO to learn about your appeal rights with them. If an Iowa Medicaid member is dissatisfied with the MCO’s decision, the member can access the State Fair Hearing appeal process through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
For more information on appeals see page 20 of the Iowa Health Link Member Handbook (Espanol).
Learn more about the appeal process here: Appeals
For telephone accessibility assistance, use the resources below.
Call Relay Iowa TTY
For telephone accessibility assistance if you are deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind, or have difficulty speaking.
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