The table below contains the 30 most recent letters transmitting changes to Medicaid provider manuals. The most recent letter is listed first. Click on the letter number to view the letter and the transmitted pages. These changes will be incorporated into the chapter on the effective date stated in the letter.




All24-1July 5, 2024All Providers Manual, Chapter I., General Program Policies, revised.
AHosp22-1November 11, 2022General Letter No. 8-AP-506, Employees' Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Acute Hospital ServicesChapter III., Provider-Specific Policies, Title Page 1,Table of Contents Page i, Title Page 2, Table of Contents Page 1, 2 and 3, revised; 4 and 5, removed; pages 1-6, 7 and 8, 8a-8c, 9 and 10, 11, 12-17, 18, 19, 20, 21-89, revised; 90-93, 94, 95-98, 99, 100-111, 112, 113-122, 123, 124-135, 136, 137-139, 140, removed.
Drugs22-1October 21, 2022General Letter No. 8-AP-505, Employees' Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Prescribed Drugs, Chapter III., Provider-Specific Policies, Title Page 1,Table of Contents Page i, Title Page 2, Table of Contents Page 1 and 2, revised; Contents Page 3, removed; pages 1-53, revised; 54-64, removed.
IHH22-2October 7, 2022General Letter No. 8-AP-504, Employees’ Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Integrated Health Home Program (IHH), Chapter III., Provider-Specific Policies, Title Page 1,Table of Contents Page i, Title Page 2, Table of Contents Page 1 and 2, pages 1-31, revised; 32-40, removed.
HCBS22-1June 24, 2022General Letter No. 8-AP-503, Employees' Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS), Chapter III., Provider-Specific Policies, Table of Contents Page i, Table of Contents Page 1-5, pages 1-3, 6-172, revised; 173-179, new.
IHH22-1February 25, 2022General Letter No. 8-AP-502, Employees' Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Integrated Health Home Program, Chapter III., Provider-Specific Policies, Title Page, Table of Contents Page i, Title Page 2, Contents Page 1 and 2, pages 1-40, new.
Chiropr22-1February 4, 2022General Letter No. 8-AP-501, Employees' Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Chiropractic Services, Chapter III., Provider-Specific Policies, Title Page, Table of Contents Page I, Title Page 2, Contents Page 1, pages 1-9, revised.
Phys21-1December 3, 2021General Letter No. 8-AP-500, Employees' Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Physician Services, Chapter III., Provider-Specific Policies, Title Page, Table of Contents Page i, Title Page 2, Contents Page 1, Contents Page 2, Contents Page 3, page 1-7, 8, 9-20, 21, 22-31, 32, 33-36, 37-42, revised; 42a and 42b, removed; 43, 44, 45-51, 52-54, 55-66, 67, 68-71, revised.
Lab21-1November 12, 2021General Letter No. 8-AP-499, Employees' Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Independent Laboratory, Chapter III., Provider-Specific Policies, Title Page, Contents Page i, Title Page 2, Contents Page 1, pages 1-2, revised.
BHlthInter21-1October 22, 2021General Letter No. 8-AP-498, Employees' Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Behavioral Health Intervention Services, Chapter III., Provider-Specific Policies, Title Page, Contents Page i, Title Page 2, Contents Page 1, 1-16, revised, 17-19, new.
RCF21-1August 20, 2021General Letter No. 8-AP-497, Employees' Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Residential Care Facilities, Chapter III., Provider-Specific Policies, Title Page, Contents Page i, Title Page 2, Contents Page 1, revised; Contents Page 2, removed; 1, 2 and 3, 4-8, 9-15, 16-18, revised; 19, 20, 21, 22-23, removed. 
MedEquip21-1July 30, 2021General Letter No. 8-AP-496, Employee's Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix,​ Medical Equipment and Supply Dealer, Chapter III, Provider-Specific Policies, Contents page 1 and 2, page 2-17, 20-47, revised; and 48, removed.
All21-1April 23, 2021General Letter No. 8-AP-495, Employees' Manual, Title 8, All Providers Manual, Chapter I., General Program Policies, page 38, revised.
Drug21-1April 16, 2021General Letter No. 8-AP-494, Employees' Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Prescribed Drugs Manual, Provider-Specific Policies, Title, Contents page i, Title 2, Contents page 1, Contents page 2 and 3, page 1, 2, 3-5, 6 and 7, 8, 9, 10-12, 13, 14, 15, 16-17, 18-21, 22-25, 26, 27-30, 31-45, 46, 47 and 48, 49, 50, 51-64, revised; and forms (see General Letter text).
MedEquip20-1October 9, 2020General Letter No. 8-AP-493, Employee's Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix,​ Medical Equipment and Supply Dealer, Chapter III, Provider-Specific Policies, Title pages 1 and 2, Contents Overview page 1, Contents pages 1 and 2, and pages 1-47, revised. 
Hospice20-1October 2, 2020General Letter No. 8-AP-492, Employees' Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Hospice, Chapter III, Provider-Specific Policies, Title pages 1 and 2, Contents Overview page 1, Contents pages 1 and 2, and pages 1-28, revised; page 29, new.
HCBS20-1September 11, 2020General Letter No. 8-AP-491, Employees' Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS), Chapter III,  Provider-Specific Policies, Contents Page 1-5, revised; pages 2, 3, 4-6, revised; 6a and 6b, removed; 7, 8-12, 13, 14, 15, 16, revised; 16a, removed; 17-21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, revised; 28a, removed; 29, 30, 31-34, 35-37, 38, 39, 40, 41-45, 46, 47, 48, 49-50, 51, 52, 53, 54-55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, revised; 64a-64e, removed; 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74-78, 79, 80, 81-90, revised; 90a-90f, removed; 91-92, 93-96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103-108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113-115, 116, revised; 116a, removed; 117-118, 119, 120, 121, 122-129, 130-131, 132, 133-139, 140-167, 168-170, 171, revised; 172-179, removed.
Drug20-1August 1, 2020General Letter No. 8-AP-490, Employees' Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Prescribed Drugs Manual, Provider-Specific Policies, Contents Page 1, revised; pages 9 and 13, revised; pages 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 50, revised, and forms (see General Letter text).
All20-1April 17, 2020General Letter No. 8‑AP-489, Employees’ Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, All Providers Manual, Chapter II. Member Eligibility, pages 20 and 21, revised; and forms 470-5200 and 470-5201.
Chiro19-1September 27, 2019General Letter No. 8-AP-488, Employees’ Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Chiropractic Services Manual, Chapter III, Provider-Specific Policies, Contents (page 1), revised; and pages 1 and 4 through 9, revised.  
Drug19-1August 9, 2019General Letter No. 8-AP-487, Employees’ Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Prescribed Drugs Manual, Provider-Specific Policies, Contents (pages 1, 2, and 3), revised; pages 2, 6, 7, 15, 16, 18 through 30, 46, and 49 through 63, revised; page 64, new; and the following forms.  
All19-1May 31, 2019General Letter No. 8‑AP-486, Employees’ Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, All Providers Manual, Chapter II. Member Eligibility, Title page, revised; Contents (pages 1 and 2), revised; and pages 1 through 39, revised
Hab18-1November 16, 2018General Letter No. 8-AP-485, Employees’ Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Habilitation Services Manual, Chapter III, Provider-Specific Policies, Contents (pages 1 and 2), revised; pages 13, 17, 24, 26, 29, 36, 46 through 49, and 51, revised; and pages 24a through 24e, 50a, and 50b, new.
Podia18-1November 16, 2018General Letter No. 8-AP-484, Employees’ Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Podiatric Services Manual, Chapter III, Provider-Specific Policies, Contents (page 1), revised; and pages 2 through 7, revised.
Rehab18-1November 16, 2018 General Letter No. 8-AP-483, Employees’ Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Rehabilitation Agency Manual, Chapter III, Provider-Specific Policies, pages 6 through 9, revised. 
Drug18-2September 14, 2018General Letter No. 8-AP-482, Employees’ Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Prescribed Drugs Manual, Chapter III, Provider-Specific Policies, Contents (pages 1, 2, and 3), revised; pages 1 through 63, revised; and the following forms. 
EM-CN-38August 31, 2018Employees’ Manual, Table of Contents, pages 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6, revised.  
Crisis18-1May 18, 2018General Letter No. 8-AP-481, Employees’ Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Crisis Response Services, Title Page, new; Table of Contents, new; Chapter I, General Program Policies, Title Page, Table of Contents (pages 1, 2, and 3), and pages 1 through 47; Chapter II, Member Eligibility, Title Page, Table of Contents (pages 1 and 2), and pages 1 through 39; Chapter III, Provider-Specific Policies, Title Page, new; Table of Contents (page 1), new; and pages 1 through 20, new; Chapter IV, Billing Iowa Medicaid, Title page, Table of Contents (pages 1, 2, and 3), and pages 1 through 15 and 89 through 160; Appendix, Title Page, Table of Contents (page 1), and pages 1 through 22. 
SMHS18-1May 18, 2018General Letter No. 8-AP-480, Employees’ Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Subacute Mental Health Services, Title Page, new; Table of Contents, new; Chapter I, General Program Policies, Title Page, Table of Contents (pages 1, 2, and 3), and pages 1 through 47; Chapter II, Member Eligibility, Title Page, Table of Contents (pages 1 and 2), and pages 1 through 39; Chapter III, Provider-Specific Policies, Title Page, new; Table of Contents (page 1), new; and pages 1 through 11, new; Chapter IV, Billing Iowa Medicaid, Title page, Table of Contents (pages 1, 2, and 3), and pages 1 through 15 and 89 through 160; Appendix, Title Page, Table of Contents (page 1), and pages 1 through 22. 
ICF18-1May 4, 2018General Letter No. 8-AP-479, Employees’ Manual, Title 8, Medicaid Appendix, Intermediate Care Facilities for the Intellectually Disabled (ICF/ID), Chapter III, Provider-Specific Policies, pages 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 50 through 54, 56, and 57, revised.