HIV Program
The HIV Program coordinates statewide HIV prevention and care services for Iowa residents. The program consists of these components: Prevention, Care & Support Services, and Data & Disease Reporting.
HIV in Iowa Fact Sheets
List items for HIV/AIDS program
The Prevention Program works with local health departments and community-based organizations to provide free HIV counseling and testing services, health education and risk reduction activities, and health communication/public information activities for populations that are disproportionately impacted by HIV. The Prevention Program also provides services for newly diagnosed people, including counseling and testing of partners; referrals for medical care, case management, and other support services; and counseling on protecting their partners from acquiring HIV.
HIV Prevention Resources
- Pre- and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP and PEP) Resources in Iowa
- HIV testing locations in Iowa
- Condom access resources for Iowa
HIV Program Resources
Program Data
2023: Condom Distribution Program Snapshot
2023: Harm Reduction Supply Distribution Program Snapshot
2023: ITS HCV Screening Program Snapshot
2023: ITS HIV Screening Among Prioritized Populations
2023: ITS HIV Screening Program Snapshot
2023: ITS PrEP Among Prioritized Populations by Race and Ethnicity
2023: ITS PrEP Screening and Referral Program Snapshot
2023: PrEP Navigation Services Program Snapshot
2023: Total Program-Supported HCV Screening Program Snapshot
2023: Total Program-Supported HIV Screening Program Snapshot
Prevention Needs Assessment Report
An updated Prevention Needs Assessment Report will be available in 2024.
In 2019, the Prevention Program administered the first Prevention Needs Assessment (PNA), which focused on identifying the gaps in prevention services in Iowa and the tools that are most needed to keep people from acquiring HIV, STIs, and viral hepatitis. The survey collected information from people who were not living with HIV or who had not been recently tested about their needs and barriers to services and care. The 2019 PNA data have been used to establish a baseline assessment of awareness, access, and attitudes around HIV prevention tools in Iowa.
The 2019 PNA results are presented as a series of fact sheets that can also be distributed individually.
- Biz McChesney, HIV and Hepatitis Section Supervisor: 515-601-0140
- Elizabeth Kimutai, HIV and Hepatitis Prevention Program Manager: 515-829-6600
- Cody Shafer-Fritz, Lead Prevention Services Coordinator: 515-314-6314
- G. Heath Johnson, Prevention Services Coordinator: 515-443-5806
- TBD, HIV and Hepatitis C Prevention Program Evaluator
- Liz Sweet, Systems Integration Coordinator: 515-217-1897
- Seth Owens, Prevention Navigation Coordinator: 319-930-9093
- Tamara Nunez, HCV Reengagement Coordinator: 515-672-5417
The Ryan White Part B Program, which includes the Benefits and Drug Assistance Program (BDAP), collaborates with local health departments and community-based organizations to provide health insurance, medications, and essential health and support services to people living with HIV.
The mission of Iowaâs Ryan White Part B Program is to meet the healthcare needs of people living with HIV by funding primary health care and support services. This includes providing direct access to health insurance, dental insurance, and treatment medications through BDAP.
Other services include case management, oral health care, nutrition assistance, emergency financial assistance, housing assistance, mental health services, and treatment for substance use.
Ryan White Part B Program Overview
Benefits of Ryan White Part B Services in Iowa
Client Services
Twelve agencies throughout Iowa offer client services, including case management, transportation to and from doctor's appointments, assistance with medical and dental bills, assistance with substance use and mental health treatment, and other supportive services. Case managers assist program participants with managing their medical care, working with them to make and keep appointments, managing other aspects of their lives, and achieving adherence to their HIV-related medications. Adherence is essential to help avoid developing resistance to the medications and to optimize health outcomes.
Benefits and Drug Assistance Program (BDAP)
The Ryan White Benefits and Drug Assistance Program (formerly known as ADAP or AIDS Drug Assistance Program) provides access to and assistance with the costs of health insurance and treatment medications. The BDAP Medication Formulary includes most medications, even those not related to HIV.
Benefits specialists across the state help people with HIV find their best benefit homes, including dental services and services for people in jail. Please contact a client services agency in your area or the state BDAP office ( for further information.
More Resources and Information
- What is Treatment as Prevention?
- Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U)âFrequently Asked Questions
- Locate HIV Services in Iowa
Ryan White Program Reports
Care Needs Assessment (CNA)
An updated Care Needs Assessment Report will be available in 2024.
In 2019, the Ryan White Program administered its fifth Care Needs Assessment (CNA) survey, following those completed in 2005, 2008, 2011, and 2016. The purpose of this survey was to improve care services across the state for people impacted by HIV.
The CNA results are presented as a series of fact sheets. The fact sheets may be used and distributed individually.
Iowa Ryan White Part B Annual Report
The Iowa Ryan White Part B Annual Report provides information on Part B program services, program participants, and health outcomes for those who participate.
Regional Health Specialists (RHS)
There are five Regional Health Specialists around the state of Iowa. The RHS work to reduce stigma for people with HIV by building relationships with public health, health facilities and systems, and other key partners and stakeholders to ensure that the issues unique to Iowans with HIV are understood, and that relevant strategies are implemented to improve health outcomes for people with HIV in each region.
RHS Map with Contact Information
- Biz McChesney, HIV and Hepatitis Section Supervisor: 515-601-0140
- Holly Hanson, Ryan White Part B Program Manager: 515-380-6942
- Casey Ward, Client Services Coordinator: 515-321-3372
- Megan Guthrie, Client Services Coordinator: 515-322-8595
- Brittany Kuehl, Ryan White BeneïŹts Coordinator: 515-204-3746
- Roxana Ferreyro, BeneïŹts and Enrollment Specialist: 515-336-1073
- Dena Tollenaar, Benefits and Enrollment Specialist: 515-721-3241
- Mariah Karumuna, Ryan White Data Coordinator: 515-601-2997
- Denise Montgomery, Ryan White Quality Coordinator: 515-954-0860
- Cassie Welsh, Ryan White Behavioral Health Coordinator: 515-776-7626
- Ariel Langtimm, Data to Services Coordinator: 515-201-1227
- BDAP office general email:
The HIV Data Program collects, analyzes, and compiles data on the HIV and AIDS epidemic in Iowa. Reports are issued to characterize the populations that are most impacted in terms of geography, race and ethnicity, sex, age, and mode of exposure. These data are essential tools for planning and evaluation of prevention and care programs, and for ensuring that state and federal funds are prioritized for those most in need and most affected by the epidemic.
The reports include the number of people with HIV and AIDS, the number of deaths of people with HIV, and the number of births to women with HIV (i.e., perinatal exposures to HIV). Data are collected from healthcare providers, hospital and clinical laboratories, HIV programs in other states, and birth and death certificate review.
Surveillance Reports
- 2022: End-of-Year Surveillance Report
- 2021: End-of-Year Surveillance Report
- 2020: End-of-Year Surveillance Report
Other reports can be found on Iowa Publications Online.
Epidemiological Profile of HIV in Iowa
An epidemiological profile is released every five years detailing recent developments in Iowaâs HIV epidemic. The profile is produced in conjunction with the stateâs HIV and Hepatitis Community Planning Group.
For more epidemiological data on HIV in Iowa:
- For a specific data request, please fill out the HIV data request form
Joyce Mbugua, Data and Epidemiology Program Manager: 515-305-0225
Alagie Jatta, HIV Surveillance Coordinator: 515-322-8819
Nabila Adamu, HIV Surveillance Epidemiologist: 515-721-8486
HIV and Hepatitis Community Planning Group (CPG)
The HIV and Hepatitis Community Planning Group (CPG) is composed of people who have experience with HIV, STIs, and viral hepatitis, either because they belong to a population that is disproportionately affected by these conditions or because they work directly with people in these populations. Members of CPG include people living with HIV and/or viral hepatitis, health care providers, case managers, prevention service providers, educators, and people who represent populations affected by HIV and hepatitis.
CPGâs primary purpose is to act in an advisory capacity to the staff of the Bureau of HIV, STI, and Hepatitis at the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the main task is to ensure that the state has an inclusive and participatory planning and evaluation process for the delivery of prevention and care services.
Reporting of HIV casesâFor Medical Providers and Laboratorians
In the State of Iowa, HIV and AIDS cases are reportable to Iowa HHS. By Iowa Code, both the clinician who ordered the test and the laboratory that processed the specimen are to report information to Iowa HHS. This information is confidential and protected by law; it can only be released in limited circumstances described in Iowa Code.
Please report the following cases; all directions are provided in the reporting form document:
- Newly-diagnosed cases of HIVâIowa Adult HIV/AIDS Case Report Form
- Cases previously diagnosed but new to the providerâIowa Adult HIV/AIDS Case Report Form
- Pediatric cases and perinatal exposures among children born to women living with HIVâIowa Pediatric HIV/AIDS Case Report Form (this form should also be used for newly diagnosed children ages 13 years and under)
For questions regarding submission of an HIV/AIDS case report form, please contact Alagie Jatta at (515) 281-6918.
HIV/AIDS Legislation Related to Public Health
Access the most current version of Iowa Code and Iowa Administrative Code.
Iowa Code 141A outlines the requirements for:
- HIV testing, education, and consent;
- Reporting of disease and laboratory information;
- Notification of partners of people who test positive for HIV (partner services); and
- Confidentiality of data related to HIV and AIDS
Iowa Code 139A outlines the requirements for:
Prevention of transmission of HIV from medical providers with HIV to patients (see 139A.22); and
- Procedures related to exposures of care providers to HIV (see 139A.19).
- Further detail on the implementation of these requirements can be found in 641 Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 11.
Partner Services
Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) offer partner services to newly diagnosed people with HIV. A DIS works with the client to assist with notifying their partners of a potential exposure and can offer in-person testing services to the partners. DIS also help to link newly diagnosed people to care, case management, and other supportive services. Healthcare providers can assist in this process by notifying their regional DIS when they have a patient in need of partner and linkage services. To be connected to your local DIS, call 515-281-3031 or view the DIS regional map.