Content Information
The location, safety and stability of one's housing has a direct link to their health (source). Fulfilling this basic need is vital to improving the health of our state. Read on to learn how organizations in Iowa are addressing Housing as a priority area.
Connections to Other Plans
The Housing strategies outlined in this document directly relate to Healthy People 2030's "Housing and Homes" and "Neighborhood and Built Environment" goals and objectives.
Explore Evidence-Based Strategies
To find additional inspiration in this priority area, explore evidence-based strategies published by the Healthy People 2030 Initiative (Housing and Homes) (Neighborhood and Built Environment) and County Health Rankings & Roadmaps (Housing and Transit) (Community Safety).
Affordable Housing
Desired Outcome: Provide decent, safe and affordable housing to those at or below 80% of the county median income (CMI).
Organization Name: Eastern Iowa Regional Housing Authority
Link to website | Phone: 563-556-4166
Smoke Free Homes
Goal or Desired Outcome: Reduce exposure to secondhand and thirdhand smoke by increasing the number of smoke free housing properties throughout Iowa.
Organization Name: Iowa HHS - Tobacco Use Prevention & Control
Phone: 515-393-1340
Affordable Housing
Desired Outcome: Provide safe and affordable housing to seniors, individuals with disabilities and individuals and families with limited resources.
Organization Name: Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation
Link to website | Phone: 563-387-4917
Material Assistance for Those Facing Eviction
Desired Outcome: Provide financial and counseling support so families and individuals can remain self-sufficient.
Organization Name: The Salvation Army Capital Area Coordination Office
Link to website | Phone: 515-282-3599