Content Information
First Responder Addiction & Recovery Program
Desired Outcome: Connect people to services after overdose and distribute naloxone free of charge to participating EMS service programs.
Organization Name: Iowa HHS - Bureau of Emergency Medical and Trauma Services
Phone: 515-608-9162
Expanding availability of naloxone in Iowa
Desired Outcome: Reduce the number of deaths involving opioids by making naloxone more readily accessible.
Organization Name: Iowa HHS - Bureau of Substance Abuse
Impaired Driving Task Force
Desired Outcome: Consider and implement recommendations received as a result of a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration-facilitated Impaired Driving Program Assessment.
Organization Name: Iowa Dept. of Public Safety - Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau
Link to website | Phone: 515-725-6120
Deflection & Pre-Arrest Diversion to Treatment and Prescription Drug Take Back
Desired Outcome:
- Increase Iowans' timely access to substance use disorder treatment through greater use of pathways that offer an accountable alternative to incarceration
- Reduce the amount of unused medications susceptible to diversion and misuse by Iowans.
Organization Name: Iowa Dept. of Public Safety - Office of Drug Control Policy
Link to website | Phone: 515-805-4115
Overdose Data to Action (OD2A)
Desired Outcome: Collect data from all 99 counties on accidental fatal drug overdoses and utilize the data to inform prevention and response efforts.
Organization Name: Iowa Office of the State Medical Examiner's Office
Link to website | Phone: 515-326-5703
Merchant Alcohol Training & Compliance Checks and Policy Work to address Marijuana Business Zoning
Desired Outcome:
- Ensure that underage community members do not have access to alcohol through retail outlets.
- Provide places for marijuana businesses to be located in our communities that do not allow youth access to them or to be influenced by them.
Organization Name: VBC SAFE & LC The Best You Coalitions
Phone: 319-293-2579
Opioid Reduction Task Team (ORTT)
Desired Outcome: Provide access to services to reduce opioid misuse and increase Narcan accessibility, education on its use, and recognition of abuse or overdose.
Organization Name: Wright County Public Health
Link to website | Phone: 515-532-3461