Content Information
Quitline Iowa is a free phone and web based tobacco cessation resource for people living in Iowa. When someone enrolls in Quitline Iowa they receive the Quitline Enrollment Book. Quitting tobacco is a process. Whether you are thinking about quitting, are not yet ready to quit, or have already quit, Quitline Iowa can help you with each step of the way. Free, Convenient, Safe & Secure.
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How to Enroll in Quitline Iowa
There are 3 ways to enroll in Quitline Iowa:
Call 1.800.QUIT.NOW
Online at
Ask, Advise & Refer
Quitline 101 2020
Referral Information
You can call Quitline Iowa at 1-800-Quit-Now (800-784-8669) or visit Quitline Iowa via online.
Medicaid Fee For Service clients can receive Nicotine Replacement Therapy products and Cessation Medications by using the Fax Referral Forms on the Medicaid webpage. To access the forms, search for "nicotine" for the NRT fax referral form or search for "cessation" for the cessation medication fax referral form.