Community Partnerships for Protecting Children (CPPC) is a community-based framework for child protection. Partnerships work to prevent child abuse, neglect, re-abuse, safely decrease the number of out-of-home placements, and promote timely reunification when children are placed in foster care. The long-term focus of the Community Partnerships is to protect children by changing the culture to improve child welfare processes, practices, and policies. The Community Partnership approach involves four key strategies which are implemented together to achieve desired results.
Shared Decision-Making: Provide leadership for collaborative efforts that promote community responsibility for the safety and well-being of children.
Community and Neighborhood Networking: Promote cooperation and form alliances to provide more accessible and relevant informal and professional supports, services and resources for families whose children are at risk of abuse and neglect.
Family and Youth Centered Engagement: Genuinely engage families and youth to identify strengths, resources, and supports to reduce barriers and help families succeed.
Policy and Practice Change: Improve policies and practices to reduce barriers and increase accessibility and relevance of services that lead to positive family outcomes.
Shared decision-making among parents, youth, and professionals best informs improvement to services, programs, and supports in local communities.
Supports and services are available and accessible in the communities in which families live.
Parent and youth voices and their lived experiences are valued, respected, and instrumental to local and statewide policy and practice system changes.
Local communities’ benefit from shaping their own strategies in response to community needs.
Integrating culturally responsive approaches to engage diverse families and communities in shaping resources, programs and supports is essential.
Community member engagement with youth and families to identify resources and supports available to them will improve outcomes and build natural supportive relationships.
Prioritizing child and family well-being needs in communities is vital to reducing risks and strengthening protective factors.
Each CPPC Shared Decision-Making Team identifies specific needs and gaps in services/supports unique to their community and works address these issues. CPPC efforts focus on strengthening and assisting families who have children 0-18. Community members and child welfare partners may be involved in all aspects of CPPC.
Current Contract Term
Annually - July 1 through June 30
Rates and Payments
Each of the decategorization areas is allocated $20,000 annually.
All procurements are administered through local decategorization.
Get Involved
To learn more or to get involved with CPPC, contact Abby Patterson.