In the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waiver program, there is an opportunity for people to have help in their own homes. Consumer Directed Attendant Care (CDAC) services are designed to help people do things that they normally would for themselves if they were able. People may reach a point where they need help to remain in their own home. This may happen because of an accident, a lengthy illness, disability, or aging problems. Fortunately, there is an option for people in this situation. A person may consider hiring a CDAC assistant.

CDAC Member Handbook
Read this Handbook to get a better understanding of the CDAC services offered.


CDAC Provider Handbook
Read this handbook if you are a current CDAC Provider or if you are interested in becoming a CDAC provider.

CDAC Daily Service Record
This is a fillable PDF version of the CDAC Daily Service Record.

CDAC Agreement Form
This form is an agreement between the consumer of the service and the provider. You can access and complete the appropriate sections of this form with your chosen provider.

Information on becoming a CDAC Provider

To enroll as a CDAC provider, you may contact Iowa Medicaid at:

Iowa Medicaid Provider Enrollment
P.O. Box 36450
Des Moines, IA 50315
515-256-4609 (in the Des Moines area only)

Relevant forms for enrolling as a NEW INDIVIDUAL CDAC PROVIDER

  1. Iowa Medicaid HCBS Waiver Provider Application (pages 5-6 only) (Form 470-2917)
  2. Individual CDAC Disclosure (Form 470-4612)
  3. Provider Agreement (Form 470-2965)
  4. W-9 Form (IRS Tax Form W-9)
  5. Record Check Consent (Form 470-4227)
  6. Atypical Provider Declaration (Form 470-4457)
  7. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) (Form 470-4202)
  8. Proof of Age (e.g. copy drivers license, birth certificate, State-issued ID, passport)


If you are already a CDAC provider

As an active CDAC provider, the following resources, information, and CDAC-relevant forms will help you in the administrative process when filing claims for the services that you provide to the consumer.



HHS Administrative Rules and Policy
To access the HHS Administrative Rules and Policies, please follow this link to the HHS Office of Policy Analysis